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Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Well done to everyone on this beautiful thread. @Former-Member How do you seal a diamond art picture? I didnt know it was a thing. My daughter does them and they seem fragile unsealed. Would love to know more on how, what  and where to purchase. I'm off for an hour walk through the gums and pines, another tile for me. Can't wait to get back and see this thread again today.


Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

DCC828D1-DC32-42D7-86AB-36CE0DCBEA6F.jpegStarted with something easy. Took a photo of the sky.  I love this view although I have to look way up for it.. that enormous jacaranda is in the next street over and my view of it is above the 3 plus metre high shed belonging to my rear neighbors.  

@Former-Member @NatureLover @Dark_Olena @Maggie @HopefulWarrior @Former-Member 

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

@Dark_Olena  ... I am relatively new to the art of Diamond Painting.  But I have been using Mod Podge gloss on my completed Diamond Paintings.  Its easily obtainable from places like Spotlight.  It is a waterbased sealer, glue and finish.  You just paint it on with a paintbrush and it seals everything and protects it from dust dirt and loose drills.  It dries clear, so you really cant tell that it has anything on top.  Alternatively to that I think you can buy a spray adhesive/sealer.  No idea how that works though.


How did your walk through the gum and pine forrests go?


@Escaped_Goat  ... nice sky photo. 


I managed to complete a couple more bingo squares this afternoon @Former-Member @Maggie @HopefulWarrior @Former-Member  and others reading along. 😊


1.  I had a post lunch nap  ✔

2.  I listened to some music ... an old favourite "The Carpenters"  ✔

3.  And I doubled up on one from this morning ... hugged my dog Holly again ... @Former-Member said it counts, and who could resist hugging this beautiful little girl of mine?  ✔✔


@Peri  ... you may be interested in taking part in this thread throughout this week.  Just read page 1 so you know what its all about.  💕  I read your post to your thread today, and will get back to you when I can.


Also @Former-Member and @Lee82 ... you may find this thread helpful as well.  Read from the first post so you know what its about and how to take part.


Sherry 🌸🐶



Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Managed Something creative - some doodles of what I see out in the courtyard, basic shapes etc



Went for a short stroll with music to focus on


Unsure if I'm meant to be tagging others to these posts or not... @Former-Member  could you advise? 

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Hey there @HopefulWarrior, in events like these, members often tend to tag other members, for example other members who are already participating, or others they think might be interested, so that they get a notification of your post. I hope that clarifies, but feel free to let me know if it hasn't Smiley Happy


@NatureLover great to see you here ❤️️ and @Dark_Olena that sounds like a lovely walk, is that local to you? 

@Escaped_Goat that's a great photo. I've definitely been looking up a lot more and noticing the amazing trees around. 

@Maggie sounds like it's a practice stone! I hope we can see others you feel happier with down the line Smiley Happy

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Awwwwwww @Former-Member  what a beautiful pic of Holly. 😍😍😍🐶🐶🐾🐾


I was just reading about Karen Carpenter the other day. She had a beautiful voice.

Hope you evening is relaxing.

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

hello @Former-Member 

I had a shower ✔


Did a pet photshoot  ( my SIL furbaby )✔✔





Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Hi @Tortoiseshell @NatureLover @HopefulWarrior @Sherry @Dark_Olena @Maggie and anyone else on the Bingo bandwagon. I had a shower, expressed gratitude (a good friend let me bounce some ideas off her even though she is super busy) and meditated.

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Oh well if "Animal Hugs Definitely Count" @Former-Member Then that changes everything....

No Human Hugs are Available - but plenty of Cat Hugs are.


Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Well I've been working on this Bingo Card @Former-Member Thanks.

@Former-Member @Maggie @HopefulWarrior

Firstly, it took quite a while to work out how to print it (properly).

Copied & Pasted Bingo Card into another Document - then it finally Printed out, a Decent (Big) size.

1) Shower - Well Yes, that's every morning (easy).

2) Journaled Part of my Day - was especially important today, as quite a bit happened.

My Union contacted me (again) - Re: Dozens of Disability Support Workers (including me) Being Suddenly Dismissed (Redundant) last week.

They may take it to Court (Legal Action).

3) Exercise - Yes mainly stretches, & some walking. Yoga class on Thursday.

4) Took a Nap - Yes, I had to. My Sleep Dr (Specialist) Recommends it, for fatigue from Sleep Apnea.

Plus I've been quite overwhelmed from losing my job - So I Need more Rest.

5) Organised a Corner of My Life - Yes, this is on-going due to my current situation.

I'm Registered with Centrelink, & have got all my Bills Paid (up to date).

6) Expressed Gratitude - Yes to Phone Helpline person, & to Chemist this afternoon.

7) Took One Hour At A Time - Yes I really had to do that today, as getting through things (& moving forward) is quite a struggle right now.

😎 Meditated - Yes I do meditations every day.

It really helps to centre, ground & energise me - Or at least to feel less-fatigued, & not so Wiped-Out.

9) Hugged Someone - Since Animal Hugs Do Count (apparently), I Hugged my Cat Jelly.

She liked it....
