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Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

For the week starting the Monday 25th of May, join us for Wellbeing Week, where we can get together to share in some wellbeing activities and adventures! @Tortoiseshell  will be kicking off and hosting, with help from @nashy @Jupiter and @CheerBear Smiley Happy


The theme of our first wellbeing week is Self-Care Bingo. We've all been through increased isolation and now are facing more transitions, so it's a good time to revisit how we support ourselves. The bingo card with different self-care activities will be posted here Monday 25th at 9am. You can follow this by printing it out at home or by going back to the first page of this discussion.


You might get 'bingo' but we will all be winners for doing some self-care Smiley Wink🏆🏆🏆 Keep us updated on progress in the thread, where we can encourage and support each other.Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 3.26.39 pm.png


How do I get involved
Wellbeing Week will be text based, so no software needed. Refresh the page to keep up with the latest posts. Keep an eye for page numbers at the top & bottom of the page, and jump to the highest page number for the most recent post.


Want to receive a reminder on the day? Hit the 'Support' (thumbs up) button below.


What time does this event start in my timezone

AEST - 9am
ACST - 8.30am
ACWST - 7.45am
AWST - 7am


If you have any questions about how to use the Forums, check out our forum user Guides.


Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

We are so excited to kick off our first Wellbeing Week, starting with a session of Self-Care Bingo!!! A special welcome to the wonderful people who wanted a reminder this morning 😍 @natureisnurture @Longingtobelong @Sans911 @Gwynn @Bethy58 @mudsum @HopefulWarrior @Gardener @MidCenturyGirl @Dark_Olena @Escaped_Goat @frog @roses1 @nova2074 @dhr53 @PandoraMalice @Judi9877 @Mingurikulimpa @Emz123 @greenpea @bear7 @Coriander @Maggie @Adge @NatureLover @BlueBay @Former-Member @Shaz51 @elilith @Former-Member @Doreen @greenspace @Snowie @eth ❤️️ And to my wonderful co-hosts @CheerBear @Jupiter and @Former-Member 💐


And welcome to everyone dropping by! If you get bingo... well look at you go 🏆🏆🏆, but please dip in at your own pace, and tweak the activites to suit you!!! And perhaps most importantly - post as you go so we can share the experience Smiley Happy 


Self-Care Bingo will be text based. This means that everything will be run right here in this thread Smiley Very Happy Refresh your browser to see new posts, and hit reply others' posts to get involved!


Without further ado... let the Hunger Games *ahem* Bingo begin!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Bingo card.png

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Not sure what I need to do @Former-Member 

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Well, happy to be here. I took a screen shot of the bingo card on my phone and did mark up to block out 2 activities. Is there a different way of doing this bingo card? So others can see on here?


Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Thanks so much for asking that @Former-Member! If you are unsure I'm sure others are too!!!


Throughout this week you can refer to the bingo card (I would suggest printing it if possible) and cross off tiles at home when you do the activity on it. You can post about how you're going, for example writing about your thoughts or experiences doing it. 


But also a lot of the activities are meant to be shareable, and to perhaps give others ideas. So for example if you listened to music you could let us know the artist, post a youtube clip of the song, or let us know what you love about it. If you did some gardening you could tell us about it or post a picture. If you did something creative or baked something it would be great to see a photo! 


Does that make more sense? I apologise for not making it more clear! I'll post an example below as well, hopefully that helps Smiley Happy

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

And to get us started, here is a photo of the morning sky. I love the different shades of blue going on, it makes me feel more calm. Would love to see what you are seeing when you look up, or something from another tile you do ❤️Sky.JPG


Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Yes ... Makes sense .. Thanks @Former-Member 


Bit busy now, but back later.

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Good question @Dark_Olena Smiley Happy That sounds like a good way to do it! Unfortunately we don't have a way of marking the card editable on the forums so that others can see. 


Taking a screenshot, downloading, or printing at home are good options to keep track yourself. To download: go to the bingo card and click it, it should open in a new window, then press the download icon (usually a down arrow)


You can post a picture of your bingo card in progress if you like as well as photos of your experiences. Originally I saw the event as being more about the experiences on the tiles than completing the card, but this is the first time we've tried this so feedback is welcome! - Would it be more fun for some trying to finish the card off? I need to think of some virtual prizes Smiley LOL

Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

I love food, so this tile was easy: "Ate my favourite food". It's wholemeal toast with butter and Promite, and I'm addicted! I must need the B vitamins or something.



Re: Join us for Wellbeing Week // New forum event starting 9am Monday 25th 9am AEST finishing Friday 29th 9pm AEST

Hi @Former-Member 

And all others joining in on bingo


Really like this idea, have plans to add a few of my own, as with my current admission constraints some are a little tricky for me. 


Not sure how it would go down if I started gardening here lol.


Have plans to make some daily and others tasks for the week..


Look forward to hearing how others progress as it's always inspirational for me