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Re: Morning has broken

Trying to get back into my Uni work @Snowie I’m doing nutrition this semester and it’s quite interesting but a lot of reading.

Re: Morning has broken

Glad it is interesting @Eve7 Hopefully it makes it easier to do the reading if it is something that you enjoy.


Re: Morning has broken

Hey @Eve7 

Hoping you got some uni work completed and today is going ok for you.

Sending lots of squishy hugs 💜💜

Re: Morning has broken

Sitting in the sunshine eating a carrot @Snowie I did heaps of Uni work last night but feeling tired today as had the most stupid dream about being trapped in Poland of all places!


How is your day?

Re: Morning has broken

It is sunny here too @Eve7 I hope you enjoy the warmth.

Glad you got some uni work done, that is a big achievement.

That is a strange dream hon. Perhaps it is telling you where to travel to next!!


Managed to get to the supermarket this morning. Since then been numbing myself with prn. I know suppressing everything isn't the way to go, but don't really care at this moment.




Re: Morning has broken

I hope you sleep well tonight @Snowie 



Re: Morning has broken

Thinking of you @Eve7  and sending 💛

Re: Morning has broken

hello and hugs @Eve7 😍

Re: Morning has broken

Good morning @Eve7 

Wishing you a good day today hon.

Sending lots of love 💗💗

Re: Morning has broken

The same for you @Snowie 

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