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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

Appointment with pdoc went ok this morning. She kept the session light which was ok but now I feel that the time was wasted. Maybe she’s sick of listening to my drivel and my family dramas.


I went for a walk around the lake afterwards in the blaring sun which is something I usually like.


Now waiting to see OT about my wrist. Not working today. 

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 i hope it goes ok with your OT.


Hoping also the walk helped a little

Re: Morning has broken

My wrist is very swollen @Snowie so I have lots of exercises to do.


Mum s now in respite at a very nice and expensive place. She seems to be happy about it. I feel sad for her but not much I can do about it.


Ive taken prn so might nap for a while.

Re: Morning has broken

hopefully the exercises help with you wrist hon @Eve7 


As long as your mum is happy where she is, even though I know it was a tough decision.

I hope you can have a nap

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @Snowie  Its over 30 here today so a nap on the couch under the fan has been quite pleasant.


Im having subway for dinner tonight so no effort required there and back to work tomorrow.

Re: Morning has broken

We reached a whole 15 here @Eve7! Would love some warmer weather.

I'm glad your nap was nice.

Subway sounds good and a bonus that you don't have to cook.



Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7  Hoping your wrist heals quickly and work today goes OK... 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Thank you @NatureLover I hope your day goes well my dear friend 🖤🤍🩵

Re: Morning has broken

Good morning @Eve7 

Wishing you a good day today and hope work goes ok for you.

Sending lots of squishy hugs 💜💜

Re: Morning has broken

Good morning dear @Eve7 

I hope your day goes well for you.

Sending lots of squishy hugs 💕💕

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