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Something’s not right

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

@tyme  that sounds like an awesome weekend and should be really good.

I need to start doing better things.

It is weird but things felt so clear after the other week, but now they have dropped off a fair bit. I just want things to work out but I am starting to lose a bit of hope.

Things will work out won’t they? 


Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Things will always work out @Rockdog .


Allow yourself to recover. As I've mentioned before, recovery is an active process. You actually have to work hard at it. 


For me, I had to push myself to do all the things I preferred not to do such as going out, shopping, talking to people, make phone calls, forgiving people, not hold grudges etc...


It was hard work, but it pays off - seriously. 


Keep working at it. There's no time to lose.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hey @tyme ,

that sounds like a really great weekend. Sounds really nice.

I need to start doing things to get on track.

i wouldn’t mind getting away for a bit.

After the incident I had a good picture of things. Now I’m thinking maybe it was nothing. Nobody else understands, but it is going to work out isn’t it? You are the only one tha5 does t think I’m crazy. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

@tyme ,

that is what worries me. There is no time to lose but I am losing it and that gives me more anxiety. It was real wasn’t it? I’m not sure if she really cares. Her look was cold then I got a cute wave. I think it was real but then wonder if I am going crazy. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

YOU need to know deep down that things will work out @Rockdog . It's YOUR story. YOU need to write it. Believe in yourself. 


"You have to love yourself first".... remember this.


Anyway, I have to go now, but I'll see you Sunday on the live chat.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Night @tyme,

yeah I have sort of lost track. I’m not sure it will now. 

Anyway thanks for the chat night night

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

@tyme  , I guess at the moment I don’t really believe in anything good working out.

I have moments where I do but then they go away. At the moment having you believe help me believe. I am struggling to hold on to the hope 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Why are you doubting @Rockdog ? Doubting Thomas?

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme,

I am a doubting Thomas. It is so weird because sometimes it feels real and sometimes I feel so low I can’t see anything happening. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was having her there.Then it fell apart. Deep downI think it is real but then I do doubt myself. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme ,

hope you are going well. With everything that happened it right to believe it isn’t it? I still do 

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