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Re: It is happening

Hi @tyme ,

i wanted to send a message from this heading. I’m not sure how my posts got attached to the old heading. I am not dealing with heartbreak anymore, I am working with destiny 😊

Re: It is happening

Why don't you create a new thread @Rockdog ? Go back to the main Lived Experience Page, scroll down and click on "New Discussion". 


I reckon it's needs a new beginning!


I really like the idea of renaming it!

Re: It is happening

Ok thanks @tyme ,

i will because I saw the old heading, I must have used that one to reply and then the messages continue on an old heading. It was actually good because I could see that after the latest encounter it isn’t the case anymore. I think that encounter put the feeling from the other encounter to rest. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hello @tyme,


I couldn’t make it on Sunday due to personal commitments but I will try to make the next one. 🙂


I’ve been pretty good actually, I’ve had some time to reflect on things and I think I’ve begun to adjust to my situation. Writing on here has really helped, as well as reading books that are related to my situation. 


How are you? I hope you are doing well.


- HopeDream



Re: Dealing with heartbreak

So great to hear from you @HopeDream . I'm glad to hear things are pretty okay. Things have been pretty good on my side too. I'm glad writing helps. What sort of books do you enjoy reading?

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