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Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

How was your day @Former-Member? Thinking of you. 💕

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Hi @Former-Member
I'm sorry to read about your brother and his ptsd and losing his daughter. Hugs to you.
I think just be there for him. Maybe make a plan for him to call you when in need. I'm so sorry reading your brothers story and your struggles. Hugs to you. Take care. Xxxxoo

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

@Former-Member @BlueBay

Thanks so much to you both for your thoughts, and hugs.  Its much appreciated.

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Nighty night sleep well @Former-Member 😴💕
Chat soon.
I hope you feel better tomorrow. 🌷🍁🌸🌹🌻

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Wondering if you are ok @Former-Member? 💕

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Hi there @Former-Member and everyone else.

Thankyou for checking in on me.  I am not doing too well lately in fact.

My psychologist has been in touch with me this week to see how I am doing. I told her a bit of whats been going on, although not all.  As a result she told me to phone the office and make an appointment to see her as soon as I can arrange it.  I am reluctant to do so though, as I just dont want one more thing to have to deal with right now.  I just dont know .....

So, how have you been?  Its a while since I have spoken to you, and I'm sorry.  Just not much support to anybody right now I guess.


Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

That's ok @Former-Member. I understand. There are days when I can't say anything on here at all. Some days are ok.

Sorry to hear you're not doing well.
Do you find it helpful seeing your psycholgist?

Please don't feel you have to chat. I've not been good for ages. It's not easy chatting when feeling down.

Today I'm a tiny bit better, just feeling drained as usual. Instead of thinking about what I'm not achieving I'm going to try and write down what I have achieved.

I've been learning about mindfulness. I think this will help alot. Have you heard much about it? I try to do it as much as possible.
Helps the smart brain work better.


Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Psychologist - I typed it wrong. 😀

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

I know what you mean about not being sure whether to see the psychologist or not.  @Former-Member

Sometimes it just seems to much to get there etc.  I have had to cancel a couple of appointments, as I couldn't cope with everything.  With my one, I always give her 24 hours or more notice, so that she can get someone else.

I think I am going to see her fortnightly instead of weekly.  I find weekly too much.  Plus it gives me more time to practise mindfulness etc.

See how you feel about making an appointment, whether it will help you or not.  I really recommend mindfulness.  To be honest I am finding it quite boring, but I am determined to give a good try.  

Take care and do what is right for you.  I need to go and do some chores now.  I'll be on later, but no need to reply if you don't feel up to it, it's ok.  Heart

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Hi @Former-Member .....

Sending healing thoughts your way .....


Thanks for responding so we can see that you are the one in need is support today ..... you were on my mind this morning too ....

@Former-Member ..... ❤💐💕🌷
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