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Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Hi @MoonGal @Former-Member @Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope @Kurra.

Firstly @MoonGal - You are really good at this reno game arent you?  I love the new look of your 50's style retro kitchen.  Terrific job!  I'm sure your next project with the bedroom will be just as successful. Woman Happy

Well  today I am struggling big time.  I have been talking to my brother who is not doing too well right now himself.  He had a bad car accident last year which resulted in serious spinal injuries to himself and the death of his 11yo  daughter.  After 14 months he is still unable to return to work.  He started seeing a psychologist a few months ago and she then referred him to a psychiatrist who diagnosed him with PTSD.  He seems to be going through a particularly difficult time right now and his psych is concerned for him.

So he psych is now phoning him at home twice a week and he goes to see his psych at least once a week on top of that.  My brother calls him his 'carer'.  He is having a lot of serious suicidal thoughts which they are all concerned about.  He is a farmer and has firearms as a matter of course.  He has now handed over the keys of his gun safe to the authorities at the insistence of his psych.  And he has been told to never be at home alone during this particularly difficult time.  So things are pretty bad.

I suffer from PTSD myself, and have suicidal thoughts as well from time to time.  But I am having a lot of difficulty in coping with discussions with my brother about all this.  I suppose it just brings everything back for myself as well. My own circumstances resulting in my PTSD were so totally different to what my brother is going through now.  But PTSD has the same symptoms and results for most people.  I feel as though I should be able to be more help than what I am.   We have always been pretty close, and he seems comfortable in talking to me about most things.  But he lives a long way away, so discussions are always over the phone.

Today I did something I've never done before today.  I told my brother that I suffer from PTSD. The only others who know is my GP and my psych.  And you guys who read my posts too of course.  When he was discussing some of the things he is experiencing with his PTSD (anxiety attacks, suicidal thoughts, nightmares) I told him that "I understood".  He replied "How can you - you dont have PTSD". So I told him that I had been diagnosed only about 2 years ago with PTSD relating to something that happened 20 years ago.  I didnt go into any details.  But he did agree to phone me anytime that he was feeling overwhelmed or needed someone to talk to that understood.  And if he was unavoidably on his own at home.

So now I am freaking out about having actually told someone about my own PTSD.  What must he be thinking?  Will his opinion of me be any different now?

Any suggestions on how I can cope with this new 'outing' of myself, and how I can be of more help to my brother?

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Hi @Former-Member 💜

Sorry to read that you're struggling.

That is very sad about your brother losing his daughter. 😢

I can imagine that it is very difficult for you hearing about your brother's struggle with PTSD.

You asked, how can you help your brother.

I guess the best thing you can do at the moment, is listen. For him, knowing that someone understands would be a huge help for him. How many people actually understand unless they have struggled with PTSD.

Personally I would find that a huge help, having someone listen and understand. I think your brother would too.

Sounds like you are finding it difficult hearing his struggles though.
Not easy for you at all.

Does your brother have phone numbers to ring when feeling in crisis? That he can ring when you're not coping with listening?

As for sharing with your brother that you have PTSD. I can't imagine that he would think badly of you, considering that he struggles with PTSD himself.

I have shared with people that I struggle with PTSD and I haven't felt judged, but they soon forget what I've said and are quick to talk about something else.

No one seems to really care, to be honest.

Hugs to you. 💜🌷🌸🌹🌼🌻🌺🌷

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Thanks @Former-Member for your reassurance. 

I think I am mainly struggling because my brother is in such a 'fragile' state right now. And perhaps I may be in over my head.  What if I say the wrong thing?  What if I dont recognise if he is about to do something really stupid?  I know he is being well monitored by his psych, but I guess I still feel responsible as well.  And its hard when we live so far apart, its a 7 hour drive to get there.  Maybe I will miss something, some vital clue.

Yes he has all the necessary numbers to call if needed.  But there again if you really are in that state of mind, you probably wont call those numbers anyway?  If you are really determined, you cant really stop it.  And thats what I'm really worried about.  I am very concerned for him.  Woman Sad

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Is your brother living alone?  @Former-Member

Yes, I can imagine you are worried about him.  How often do you keep in touch with each other?  Does he have any family and friends close by, that he can talk to?  Heart

How are you going with sleeping at night.  I remember that you said that you are on your own for a few weeks?

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Perhaps just letting your brother know that you are there for him, if he needs to talk.  That might help him.  @Former-MemberWoman Happy  

I just got home from a walk at the beach.  

How's your weekend going?

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Thanks @Former-Member.

In answer to your question, no he doesnt live alone.  He has his wife and two teenaged sons living at home on the farm.

Perhaps you are right that it may help him to know that he can talk to me if he wants to, and that perhaps I will understand. At least partly.

Did you enjoy your walk on the beach?  The weather where I am has been wet all day, so not great for walking.

My weekend hasnt been too good so far, but perhaps an improvement tomorrow.  

Thanks for your support @Former-Member.  It helps.

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

I hope you feel better tomorrow @Former-Member.
I'm glad your brother isn't alone.
I wouldn't worry too much about what to say to your brother. A listening ear might be what he needs and maybe a bit of encouragement to talk. 💕👍

Was good to get out for a walk. I've not been achieving much lately. Still haven't been able to get on top. 😯
Had to cancel psychologist this week, everything seems to be too much.
Hoping to get there next week.

I keep telling myself, this will pass. It has to.

Have you been sleeping ok?

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Morning @Former-Member.

I hope you are right, that a sympathetic and understanding ear may be just what my brother needs.

I am pleased to hear that you enjoyed your walk yesterday, its always nice to get out into the fresh air to clear the head a little bit.  

Its not good that you cancelled your psych apt this week though.  Hopefully you feel better able to go next week.  Its ironic isnt it that we almost need to be feeling okay, in order to get to the psych appointments?  And yet its when we feel least able to get there, that we really need to the most.  I too keep telling myself that these bad times will improve, that my thought processes will become less dark, and that one day I may even feel like my previous self.  But its hard when its such a struggle just to get through each day.

Sleep is still pretty crappy.  Although last night after being awake pretty much all night up until 5.15am, I did finally fall into an exhausted sleep.  And slept in until nearly 9am.  Thats the best in a while now.

I hope today is kind to you @Former-Member, and also that you are kind to yourself.  Take care.  Woman Happy

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Hi @Former-Member I hope your brother will be ok.
No real magic answer. Hard to know what he's really feeling or thinking. But, not much you can do for him. Being so far from him, all you can do is listen and try to comfort and encourage.

Bummer, you didn't sleep well. Quiet day for you. I'm slow today. Still tired. Better get moving. 💕

Re: My introduction - Living with PTSD

Sending you hugs @Former-Member ❤️

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