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Re: Winter solstice

You've got a good memory @Dimity ...the purple flowering plant doesn't seem to have struck, sadly. The salvias have died down for neighbour says they'll come back?


Thank goodness your arborist recommended keeping that large tree! 


I'm sorry to read you're expecting a difficult sounds very complex, supporting your sister. Hoping your week goes better then you expect... 🤞

Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity Restorative times.  Thats what I thought church and spirituality should be ... and some people find a church of a kind... walking in nature ... or with art etc ...the church I attended yesterday has huge challenges, but there are some good people trying ...


Hope you get through upcoming hurdles in the best way possible. 

Warm regards for you and your sister.


Hey @NatureLover I finally have enough green growth around me to regularly prune and cut back .... for so long it was always a challenge getting things to grow ... 

Re: Winter solstice

@Appleblossom  Green growth is so lovely - glad you sound like you have plenty 🙂

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @NatureLover 

Am at stage where I am digging up some jasmine ... and trying to propagate an Aussie Native climber, to replace it ... to keep my green cocoon going, but less destructive of the fences.  I did really love that jasmine in last 20 years. Got it from my mum and grandmother's place.


@Dimity Hugs

Had opportunity to process that train interaction with counsellor and pastoral care worker.  More chat than I ever had as a kid or teen or young mum.  Better late than never ... ???

Re: Winter solstice

I think there's something profound in recognising the common humanity of people doing it tough @Appleblossom ... as per Salvos, the late Father Bob, et al. Some might say seeing Christ in others... not just in projecting compassion but in receiving grace. Aligned with a realised eschatology.

There's a native jasmine you might consider, a light scrambler. 

Re: Winter solstice

Thought of you with the family jasmine @Appleblossom I have a tall and invasive nandina from my grandmother's via my mother's garden... originally small and docile in parched sand. 

My angst has gone up a notch or two. I'm pursuing trauma-informed counselling, a first for me. Not sure how else I'll get through the next few months. 

Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity Gentle hugs


Today (amongst other plants) I planted out 2 succulents from my grandmother's garden that my mother allowed me take ... put them in at the physios ... getting to a stage with it ... where they do have a garden now ...bit by bit.

Re: Winter solstice

Glad you have that connection @Appleblossom and that the garden is growing. My grandmother had a tiny creeping succulent between paving stones,  I have no idea what it was.

Re: Winter solstice

Nice diversion on Google... I think it was white stonecrop @Appleblossom 

Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity I looked up the name of these plants, but promptly forgot it again.  They just mean my nanna to me.  I also have a Monstera Deliciosa as cutting from her garden.  She died when before I was 20 but my mother moved in to care for grandfather and stayed over 30 years.  My mother gave me other plants...but my mother seemed cynical about it.  My nanna was not perfect but she was not cynical or manipulative around me.  They both had difficult lives.