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Update on things.

Hi, just checked, haven't been here since July.  Have had some things happen and haven't felt like talking about things.  My mother passed away in October after battling cancer since the beginning of the year.  I'm going to have to sell our/my home after living here since 2000...a single pension and loans are too much.  My memory, concentration, etc, is going.  My nephew continues to abuse us.  I know that as soon as I sell the house, I will have money and options in life...after 30 years of looking after two sick parents, I can do anything...but I can't because of depression and anxiety and besides I don't even know what I want anymore.  I am going under again, I feel like everything is over.  I'm old and my time is coming.  I've given up.  I don't have anything I want to do, I just want to be with mum and dad...this seems more interesting to me than anything else.  I don't care anymore.  I don't care if I am happy or successful or anything.  I don't even want to try to be irritates me.  Anyways...that's where I am at.


Re: Update on things.

Hi @Lemonjuice 


Welcome back to the forums, its great to have you back. I am really sorry about your mum Heart What a really hard time it must have been.

I have sent you a private email just to check in on you tonight.


Take care Lemonjuice



Re: Update on things.

Hi @Lemonjuice 👋🏻

Im sorry to hear about your mum passing. It sounds like it’s been a really hard time. 


As for what comes next next I can understand why you’d be feeling the way you are with life. I remember a while ago you talked about maybe going on a holiday to Tasmania. Maybe that’s something you could do for you when the house is settled. Just taking one day at a time and maybe planning something like that again might be helpful..... I know that may also be really hard to do when feeling so low too. 


Im in a strange space that I don’t know what comes next. I go to the dark places in my mind some days but on other days there is a little spark of curiosity for what may be ahead. I hope you can find that spark too. Take care 💜🤗

Re: Update on things.

Thank you. You are probably right...need to give myself time for everything to settle down and that curiosity for something might take over.