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Re: Talk about Homeless

Yes @Stout 


It makes me feel annoyed that the comfortably tucked up in bed tonight bleat there is a need but talk doesn't mean action. 


May I ask - please be aware of my ignorance -


if you go to a hospital to see a social worker -- could you ask about 


Your decline in mental health about being homeless ? 


Someone told me - couple of years ago is best bet to get allocated in a unit ??? 

Re: Talk about Homeless

@PeppyPatti I don't know.

To be honest I'm not game to go near the 'hospital' system. I think after a short consultant and listening to the very different way I assemble sentences, they'd be more interested in putting me in the Ward. We have tried clinically supported accomodation but this is all not for me. I'm a healthy indipendent male. So its a catch 22 situation. Because my files are full of abstract findings and mental state critique I am prone to consumptive practices and infernal judgement. Attaching myself to that could be detrimental to my wellbeing. 

I'd be better under the trees.


Thanks for asking though. If 'they' wanted to help, they would have done so by now!

Re: Talk about Homeless

Hey @Stout ,


There was a time (even when I was working), that I was offered supported accommodation (Continued Care Unit). This was long term accommodation. 


I went to have a look, but I turned it down. I just didn't feel like it 'fit'.


I hope things get better for you. 


I know in my area, we have Salvation Army housing for those at risk of homelessness. I wonder if you have anything like that where you are? 

Re: Talk about Homeless

Morning @tyme 

I'm clinging on in the region. It is aged and ageing and neglected as far as council provisions and government funding are concerned. It lacks modernity. There's a couple of SRAs but they're old. Overall the country is creeping into decrepitude, I would argue. But I'm sick of being moved on, I like the country side, have been networking with intent, and hope to find a marvelous residence. I'll probably never get the likes of what I had before, but live in hope that the next residence is of first world standard.

There lacks apprehension of the future around here.

Re: Talk about Homeless

Well, I didn't get the flat I applied for. There were forty odd applicants. What hope do I have, the gossips say.

Re: Talk about Homeless

@Stout wrote:

Well, I didn't get the flat I applied for. There were forty odd applicants.


Sorry to hear, @Stout 😢

Re: Talk about Homeless

@The-red-centaur wrote:

I spent oover 6 months homeless when I first moved to Perth. No one would help coz my mental health was too bad, and mental health services wouldn't help because I was homeless. 

That is terrible, @The-red-centaur !! 😭

Re: Talk about Homeless

@somewhatdamaged wrote:

I'm currently one of the hidden homeless...yes i have a roof over my head but zero basic amenities. I'm on govt payments with a pet so no real estate agent is going to give me a second glance. My mental health is circling the drain. Yet there are so many ppl worse could i dare compete for a place...I can't live like this...


I really feel for you, @somewhatdamaged  😢🫂

Re: Talk about Homeless

I have a serious question that's been bothering me for ages:


If you're homeless, are you still eligible for Centrelink payments? 


Or do you have to have a fixed address to receive Centrelink payments? 


@The-red-centaur  @PeppyPatti  @Stout  @somewhatdamaged  @Glisten 

Re: Talk about Homeless

Good morning @NatureLover 

The Federal government is gracious enough to allow a person to retain some limited social security payment whilst homeless. Living @ no fixed address.

This knowledge allows the callous to evict without guilt. It Foster's institutional homelessness.

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