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Re: Talk about Homeless

@PeppyPatti @MermaidHair @Glisten @TAB 

Thanks for your interest.

Re: Talk about Homeless

@OM108 good morning, or is it arvo? On the question of sharing, the answer is yes,no.

Tranquility and environmental safety is key, and I don't have that right now.

Re: Talk about Homeless

@Glisten wrote:

@NatureLover  I don’t have stable accommodation. I’m relying on friends.


Very sorry to hear, @Glisten  😢

Re: Talk about Homeless

The view of people in homelessness is that they are all on drugs/alcoholics. And that they chose it. 


I spent oover 6 months homeless when I first moved to Perth. No one would help coz my mental health was too bad, and mental health services wouldn't help because I was homeless. 


The communities view of the homeless need to change. I have so many friends in full time jobs struggle to get a place to stay. I know some who sleep in cars or motels/backpackers. If the full time employed and stable are homeless, what do those of us who struggle with various issues/employment have. 


Government housing shouldn't be the only option. Homes west wait list is like over 3 years. It institutionalises people far more than people like to admit and causes generational dependence and poverty. 



I don't know the answers but something seriously has to be done. 

Re: Talk about Homeless


If we do nothing, nothing happens. It is in the best interest of all members of the Forum to email their State and Federal Government representative.

There is a National Housing and
Homelessness Plan consultation summary report available.

2025 State and Federal elections are 6 months away. Email or Homelessness will not get further than a report.


Re: Talk about Homeless

I think we might be losing the battle, the eviction campaign against me was perfectly timed. The jackals etal might yet find me living in my tiny two door car. I just paid the rego and new tyres. I'm good to.

Conspiracy or no conspiracy.

Re: Talk about Homeless

Empathetic @NatureLover 


My friend inherited a unit and she's my brother's best friend. She gets phone calls all the time from friends of friends who hear she's going to rent it -- 

Re: Talk about Homeless

Yes @Stout 

I completely felt your pain. 

I'll think about what ide do next step because this is not good.....

Re: Talk about Homeless

I'm currently one of the hidden homeless...yes i have a roof over my head but zero basic amenities. I'm on govt payments with a pet so no real estate agent is going to give me a second glance. My mental health is circling the drain. Yet there are so many ppl worse could i dare compete for a place...I can't live like this...

Re: Talk about Homeless

@PeppyPatti , your not wrong. Pain. Torture

I know now, what helped me to loose my flat. Not only was it community malevolence, but I was also heavily injected with antipsychotics by the time I got the flat. Without being cognisant of the bad state I was in and it's cause, I started drinking and the rest is history. The church, having no regard for the living, was a sick landlord. Stories to tell too. I never stood a chance.


You suggested I do something to help myself, do you have any ideas. I note you see urgency