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Re: Talk about Homeless

Thank you so very much @Glisten and @OM108 for encouragement.

I am tired and typing very gingerly and carefully. It has been a long day and we've been wrangling with housing availability. There isn't a lot publicly available. We've been using the phone but it's a long journey.


I must sign off now, but I'll likely sign in for the morning and say hello to the early birds here on SANE.

Have a good evening everyone.

Re: Talk about Homeless

I'm mindful of @Stout s situation -- 

But Glisten maybe they like your attitude too..... 

In the good old days I was reasonably clean.......




Re: Talk about Homeless

That's a cool photo @PeppyPatti .

The real estate market is tight right across the area for flats. There seems to be plenty of houses, so maybe soon they'll fill up, and flats will empty.


It's quite worrying for us. Just wish I had support and was believed a few years ago.

What a disaster and worry now.



Re: Talk about Homeless


I don't know how I've survived for so long. What with dealing with poor MH all my life, SI all the time, moving around so much, and then multiple interferences in my accomodation lately. What am I to do ? It's been literally ten months I've been without permanent accomodation. My life has been at times so very grueling, you can't imagine it or make it up.. And now it looks all my fault. We all makeisyakes, right.

I don't understand how the system can't or won't help me. I've been on the housing books all this year, and nobody has come to us and said how about this. Why do we. Have all these social support systems, yet we get routed by whimsical things.. I've been projecting myself and SWs authorising, but there's just silence. The governments are making a lot of noise about housing, so where's mine? Surely it's not too much to ask of the universe. They're supposed to help.


Re: Talk about Homeless

I shouldn't be on here anymore. It's too hard seperating my feelings.

After four years of struggle, I'm going to have to settle for defeat. I won't be able to live in the town I came to back then. The oppositions will and numbers and effects are greater than the sum of their parts.

So it will something like my 64th place.

I have many irons in the fire now, all big. But nothing is going to change what has already been profoundly acheived by the opposition.

The problem is is having an effect on my support organisation whom like me have been applying sheer will to the housing problem.

I am going to have to accept a very poor option if I don't want to sleep in my car for the next year or whatever.

My wonderful SWs posted their talents into helping, but it has all been for nothing, and the governments good intentions have been posted down the drain, along with my ability to hold onto 1st tier stability. We are about to lose again. I can only hope it is limited.


Key words: use from insane thread

Re: Talk about Homeless

Dearest @Stout 


I'm speechless about what's happening about you @Stout 


I like reading your messages. 




Re: Talk about Homeless

Hi @PeppyPatti , lovely images and colours in your posts.


Your right, and I would be speechless to if they all had their way.

In reality, in a temporal way, it is all demonic. ⚠️🚸:skull_and_crossbones::coffin:

Re: Talk about Homeless

I've put in for a flat in a nearby town. I feel confident about getting it. But these are tough times so I have to guard my emotions. And be prepared to let go of this place.

@PeppyPatti , we used to have tree ferns in our backyard and surroundings.

Magnificent odour of the forests.