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Re: My special place

Ohh hugs my sister @Snowie 🥰

Hope they can give you a date for the new year 

Sending you lots of understanding hugs and sitting with you 💕 ❤️ 

Re: My special place

Thanks @Shaz51 


I don't know if I can keep going like this. I really don't want to. I don't have the strength nor willpower. 

Don't worry, i'm just rambling.


Re: My special place

You can talk to me my sister @Snowie , I am hear for you as you are here for me 🥰

Together we keep on keeping on ❤️

Re: My special place

Totally agree @Snowie . I used to hate end of year breaks because I really needed support.


I wish SANE didn't close either.. then again, the forums are still available and we are only having the public holidays off. Otherwise we are on. This is something I'm passionate about because I know how hard it is at the end of the year.

Re: My special place

I agree @tyme , @Snowie 

It is golly hard for both of us 

My doctor said see you in February,  what 

Re: My special place

oh Feb is a long way off @Shaz51 


It's not that just one closes @tyme it's everything all at the same time.

Then if I'm not coping I get the "what helped last time to get through this period"

I know people say this to help me, to help remember what I did last year to get through this time.


Things change however. You look back and think am I even any better? What improvements have happened within the last year? Then you start thinking a year has past and am I really any better off.

What's the point in life, why continue when there has been no improvement.



Re: My special place

you're right, things do change. @Snowie and sometimes that means what worked last time might need to be tweaked this time, or maybe we need a whole new strategy. i guess the whole 'what worked last time' can be a lil annoying to hear sometimes but perhaps it's also a good reminder that you did get through it last time. 


it's interesting what you mentioned about seeing no improvements - i think you've probably heard this many times before but it is true: progress isn't always linear. i feel like this picture explains it well: 



the improvements are there, maybe its small or maybe you didn't even notice some of the changes you've made. but regardless, it's exists. when you're currently going through a challenge, it's sometimes hard to see all the progress and results... but when you overcome it, it's easier to look back and see the progress. maybe right now you're still in the middle of it?

Re: My special place

Thanks @rav3n 

Right now it feels like I am stuck in that circle with no way out.

I know that the xmas period might go better than I think it will, but I guess I'm trying to prepare myself for what might be. I have quite a number of child hood traumas around this time, which is triggered so easily.

I guess I should look to the positive, that I've gotten through it before so I can get through it again. Maybe if I just keep telling myself that.

Re: My special place

Dropping by with lots of love and hope for a better day @Snowie 



Re: My special place

Thanks @Eve7 

Took mum shopping this morning to finish of her Christmas shopping. Got there right when the shops opened so was quiet which was good. 


Used LL before. Didn't want anyone sent out.