Awww @Captain24 .
Hugs. Thanks for thinking of me. I was thinking of you too.
Yes, I feel much lighter. Thanks for reminding me about using the support app. I've got another session booked in for next week.
I'm glad you are safe. That's a good way re going a different road. In a way, when you don't know the rode, you are forced to focus so your mind can't wander...
Hope you are okay.
That’s ok. I feel like we ‘get’ each other and I wanted to check in with you. @tyme
Im so glad you used that app. My question for you is… what plans do you have in place for the weekend? I’m guessing there are no supports.
I’ll think I’ll keep going the other road for a while. Yes I have to concentrate plus on my way to work it’s still dark and being a country road it doesn’t have reflectors on the lines.
I feel unsafe after the disagreement. I’ve been playing it over in my mind since. But I am safe.
Yes, i'm sure that yucky feeling lingers after such a conversation, but good on your for being assertive! You show em who to look down on! @Captain24
As for the weekend, I'll be fine. Once I'm 'over it', I'll be fine - until the next thing happens. I don't hold onto it. Not worth it. Stupid power freaks will get what they deserve. I'm confident of that.
Please take care when you go down on those roads. Safety safety safety.
Is this all still lingering from what happened just before you went on holidays, or is in new issues stemming from that. Or is it completely unrelated? @tyme
Yeah a few people have died along that road. It’s not wide enough to have the lines in the outside edge of the road. The trees are all really close to the road and I don’t know what the roo situation is like. I didn’t see any dead ones in my way to work.
While what happened is eating me up and when I think about it it makes me cry, I am proud of myself for standing up to him.
Nah, this is totally unrelated. That was another dufus... and I think I told you that after it all happened, he had a heart attack? Now is that not karma or what?
That's why I feel I don't need to waste energy to fight this because it will come back to bite them @Captain24
Please please take care when you drive on those roads. I'll be thinking of you.
I'm about to hop off, but will see you Sunday 8pm 🙂
That’s right.. I forgot about the heart attack.. @tyme
My great grandmother use to say ‘what goes around comes around’ she was a big believer in Karma.
Hopefully they get their karma..I don’t wish a heart attack or anything on them. Just get their just desserts
Aee you sunday night.
look after yourself
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