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Re: End of year thoughts

I enjoyed reading the posts in this thread thanks! This is exciting to think about.

I am proud of my research about MI.

I am thankful for the people I have met with the forum which is really helping.

I learned about presence.

I started work which was a highlight.

I liked the song plans by birds of Tokyo this year.

I liked the tv show modern family

Well done to all 🙂

Re: End of year thoughts

Hi @CheerBear@greenpea@TAB@Shaz51@utopia@Zoe7@Everan


It's uplifting reading all your entries. I have no doubt we're all heading for a great 2019. A worthy idea CB...


The most valuable action I took was vowing to start my first business next month; bringing it to fruition has been challenging to say the least, but no guts, no glory as they say. Four years ago I wouldn't ever have thought this was even a pipe dream.


I established a new relationship with my mum and although still tenuous, it speaks of my ability to cope better than I have in my life - with minimum med's and self insight galore.


So I'm looking forward to 2019 with excitement and a realistic mindset.


xo Heart

Re: End of year thoughts

Goodluck with your new business venture @Hope4me I hope it all works out really well for you Hon Smiley Very Happy

Re: End of year thoughts

I like the way you write @Everan I remember your highlight of the day post

Re: End of year thoughts

That's a very nice compliment. Nice to have met you 🙂 @TAB

Re: End of year thoughts

You too @Everan I write in different ways but sometimes things I read strike a chord 😸

Re: End of year thoughts

Here’s an enterprising song for a busy bee 🐝

Re: End of year thoughts

way to go @Everan, @Hope4me Smiley Very HappyHeart

ok @CheerBear Heart


Something from this year that:

* you've been proud of --- how far I have come to be more confident , finding myself more and more
* you're thankful for---  all the members, community guides, community managers and the Moderators who are here in forumland supporting and caring for each other
* you learned ---  we can all make a difference in our own lives as well as others

  was a highlight moment ----  seeing my step children happy and also seeing friends come back to the forum to say hello again

A song/movie/book/show you really enjoyed this year ---- the happy song

@Former-Member, @Determined, @Smc, @WideWhale320, @SunFlower_7, @Sophie1, @Former-Member, @Maggie, @eudemonism, @Exoplanet, @Kurra, @MoonGal, @Janiee, @Dadcaringalone


Re: End of year thoughts

I appreciate there are different writing styles @TAB. It's a great place to write things down 🙂


Re: End of year thoughts

Keep writing @Everan - you are doing really well Smiley Very Happy

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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