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Re: Never being in a relationship

Hi there @TheRenegade345 ,


Been thinking about you so I thought I'd pop in to say Hi 🙂

Re: Never being in a relationship

Hi @tyme 


Pretty miserable and sad, all I do is work and thats it. I have no life and nothing

Re: Never being in a relationship

@TheRenegade345 hey man, sorry to hear that you're feeling so rough today! 


I'm curious... if you did 'have a life' - what would that look like for you? Like I know being in a loving relationship would be a big part of it but like... outside of that, what would you change? 

Re: Never being in a relationship

@Jynx I feel rough everyday unfortunately.


Obviously the relationship but I also would like a good social life with a few friends and just have other things to do. All I do is work and nothing else. It is soul destroying and this won't last forever.

Re: Never being in a relationship

Do you connect with people at work @TheRenegade345 ?

Re: Never being in a relationship

What 'other things' would you like to be doing @TheRenegade345 ?

Re: Never being in a relationship

@tyme @Jynx 


I do connect with some of the people at work and we do try to make time for things outside of work. It is just hard with the nature of our job.


Maybe one social outing a week coupled with moving out of home and just having time and energy to do more hobbies. I am not asking for much, it just seems like it is all out of reach for someone like me. Life is behind a paywall and I have no money.

Re: Never being in a relationship

I'm confuzzled. Are you saying you've moved out of home and finances are tight, hence affecting how much you go out? @TheRenegade345 


My apologies in that I'm a bit confused.

Re: Never being in a relationship



I haven't moved out yet because I cant afford it, amongst everything else.

Re: Never being in a relationship

Hey @TheRenegade345 ,


What'd you get up to today? My guess... work?


So, you're still living with your parents/family?


I hear this can add another layer of challenge.