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Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Aww yay @Shaz51 me too, it's so nice to have this space. 


@Bubala welcome to the club! We definitely don't bite, hehe. 


Your story resonates so much with mine - going through so many emotions after diagnosis! I think it's normal to have an adjustment period, for me it was an odd mixture of relief and grief! Relief cos so much of my life suddenly made sense, and grief to know how much of my life could have been easier with that knowledge and insight. It's a journey, for sure! And we'll be here to walk with you, if you like 😊


I'm always an open book too, if you ever wanna pick my brain. @Glisten reckons I'm quite knowledgable (thanks hun, hehe) so always happy to go rambling about ADHD stuff, it's one of my hyperfocuses haha. 


Hope you find what you're looking for here! 💜

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Hi @Jynx...

Apologies for reading someone else's post above and maybe intruding.

Are you saying that if a person has questions about ADHD that you are pretty knowledgeable about ADHD or a potential resource? If that is correct, what options do I have to ask you questions please? Do I have to do everything publicly via this very long post?

I am fairly new to SANE... I am not exactly sure about how or whether we can contact people one to one or only when they post things... obviously I know anyone can comment and if it is acceptable it can be then posted.


I will leave my question there. Can I contact you directly if you have some solid experience with ADHD.

I have quite a few issues I am not progressing with my ADHD. Not too long ago diagnosed but no pyscho education. I'm in my 50's. I feel like ADHD is causing me more grief at the moment than my CPTSD... or other issues... but it's always been hidden until I recently started reading about it myself. My psychiatrist just gave me a pill. Hopeless looking back on it now and starting to read up on it.

Best regards to everyone unfortunate enough to be spammed by my post... hopefully @Jynx will get this post somehow...

@Halster (I suppose is my contact... not sure)

It is all very funny now to me this convoluted post... I am not even sure what I am doing. 🙂

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Hey @Halster you're not intruding at all - it's an open thread, open dicussion, and all are welcome. 


You can ask whatever questions you like right here in this thead - the forums don't offer one-to-one support, so there's not really a place for private messaging. It could also be that if you ask and I am able to answer, then others reading along could benefit from it, and may also be more knowledgable than me - there's some clever cookies in this thread! 😊


I am happy to answer to the best of my ability, but do note that I have had no formal training, it's all just stuff I've learned from the internet or from my psychologist. If you go back to the first page of this thread, I shared some resources that have really helped me! 


It can be a wild ride getting diagnosed later in life, and I think for most of us it is important to take plenty of time to reflect, process, and allow space for the fact that there are a lot of assumptions we have to unlearn. It is normal to experience grief, anger, confusion, and also relief, intrigue, and joy. 


If there's anything you wanna ask me, or talk about, feel free to share 💜

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

So the ever-lovely @Birdofparadise8 was asking me about ADHD symptoms recently, and I thought I'd talk a bit about my experiences with time-blindness! 


A common trope for us ADHDers is that we're always late! Or, if you're like me, the only reason you're on time is because you have to over-prepare to ensure you can keep yourself on track (and by overprepare, I mean that I set like 3 alarms every time I need to do something that isn't part of my normal routine; one to wake me up, one to REALLY wake me up and get me started on getting ready, and one to warn me that I need to leave the house in 5 minutes). 



What is time-blindness? 


Time-blindness is struggling to accurately perceive lengths of time, as well as easily losing track of time. So for example, if I put a pot on the stove to boil water, I know logically that it should be boiling within about 5 minutes. But I don't know what 5 minutes feels like. I can't just estimate it, I need a timer or I will either a) come back too soon/every minute or so to check on it or, far more likely b) forget about it entirely and come back to an empty, smoking pot. 


I don't know what an hour feels like, so if I am told someone will be coming over in an hour and I don't set an alarm, I'll get lost in what I'm doing and nek minnit they're already knocking on the door, and I still haven't put pants on! 


It's also losing track of time. Because of our interest-based nervous systems, it's all too easy for us to get caught up in something, and not realise that hours and hours have passed. Conversely, when we have to do something we're not interested in, time will slow to a crawl and 5 minutes can seem like 5 hours. As with some other ADHD symptoms, this is not something that neurotypicals don't experience, but that the severity of the experience is more amplified for us, and will impact us more frequently and intensely. 


As a result, we can become that stereotype of the constantly late, always disorganised ("no I didn't fill out that form on time, because it was soooo boring and I lost track of when it was due" anyone?) person, and get accused of not caring enough. With ADHD, it's never that we don't care! We just have extra mental barriers that require energy and resources to overcome.


Alternatively, we can also end up overcompensating - like me, knowing that I'm prone to lateness, I often end up arriving way too early to things! Getting to an appt 20 minutes early isn't uncommon haha. Don't even get me started on getting to the airport on time (I am guilty of both arriving 2.5 hours early to a domestic flight, and also missing my flight... lol woopsie).



How to cope


The best way I've found to manage my time blindness is with alarms and timers. One of my ADHD buddies told me they got a smart watch because online ADHD communities said it was helpful. I got one, and HOLY HECK it really is helpful - being able to set alarms and timers on a device that is actually strapped to my body is a lot easier than say, needing to set a timer for a pot of water, walking out of the kitchen to get my phone, and forgetting what I needed to do as soon as I left the room. Plus it responds to voice commands, so I can say right then and there, 'set a timer for 10 minutes'. The only issue I've ever come across is that sometimes I set too many timers and forget what each one is for 😅


For me, setting timers helps for everything - even getting ready to leave the house. Lets say I manage to get ready but I don't need to leave for another 20 minutes. What does 20 min feel like? I dunno! So unless I set a timer, I end up scrolling on my phone, and with the dopamine drip it provides, suddenly it's been 45 minutes and I'm late! 


It can also help for when affected by hyperfocus. If I am getting stuck into something that I know I'm really invested in, I will often set a timer for 45 min or an hour - to remind me to get up and stretch, go pee, and drink some water! Actually, I should go do that now... 😅


It can also help to inform our friends, family, MH professionals, employers, etc. that this is something we experience. It can help them to understand that our lateness/losing track of time is not an indicator of our levels of care/committment. It can also help if we ask them to help us stay on track with gentle reminders. 


So there ya go friends! 


How does time blindness impact you? Have you got any handy tips or strategies that you find helpful to stay on track? Lemme hear em! 


I also found this neat lil article on ADDitude that talks about others' experiences with time-blindness, if anyone wants extra homework 😉

Running Late Again: Time Blindness and My ADHD Brain


@Shaz51 @Glisten @ArraDreaming @Halster @Bubala @borke09 @Losingmyshiz @deshift @greenspace 

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

I can’t read all that

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Very interesting @Jynx 

I don't think that applies to me, but definitely other things we've talked about has. 

Thank you for sharing. 

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Haha that's a big mood @ArraDreaming - no problemo mate, you don't have to! Want me to summarise it for ya? You can also just, not respond, I won't take offence I promise 😋

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@Birdofparadise8 fair enough! Whether or not you have ADHD/are neurodiverse in some way is a journey of discovery that you can undertake, I won't say either way. But not everyone experiences symptoms the same way, and there's a whole constellation of different symptoms and people can have different little collections of them. I can always talk about other experiences and stuff if you are interested. I er... can't think of any right this second, but always happy to answer questions. 


Something that has also helped a few of my friends is to look through ADHD memes. If you find yourself relating to a lot of them, that can be a sign! Certainly is what helped encourage like, three of my friends to go get diagnosed lol. 

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Okay I might have a google later @Jynx 

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Wow @Jynx 

That was interesting,  I have read it but only giving my husband a little bit of it 

I have diaries and notes every where but I have to have everything organised