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Re: Fragile



So how are you  @Appleblossom ? 

Are you feeling better today ? 💖 

I don't want to upset you or bother you but if you can - are you able to read ? Iv just finished this first book by Raynor Winn. 

It's a heart loving true story of a husband and wife in the year 2013 and what they both did after getting some news. I relayed to it - the novel is not high brow - it's simply written. 


Do you think you would be interested in reading it ? It's definately a good read if you are interested. 

Love to you my friend ❣️ 

Re: Fragile

oh @PeppyPatti 


lovely to hear from you


been very busy last few days.


Was out last night at a shared meal outside by the local river.  The birds were really loud but the good thing, the amazing thing was that there were human beings there who were actually my friends.


when I joined the forum way back…. I was so isolated… posting on here has helped me get a life…. Slowly… bit by bit


very grateful 


there are always struggles 


but I had a good day today 12- 4 rehearsal… and feeling accepted in music scene too… now …. Finally 


@outlander @Emelia8 @Shaz51 @tyme @Faith-and-Hope 

Re: Fragile

Dearest @Appleblossom 

You gave me a voice all those years ago -- 

Thats awesome your being accepted by the music world. 

It's a tough thing that. You have worked very hard for years plus you care so much darling lady. 


You are so wonderful to say hello to 

Please cuddle your grandson for me. 

You are special.

You are beautiful 

Re: Fragile

You are special and beautiful @PeppyPatti 


I am in a terrible situation regarding grandchildren


its not fair or just but I have to let go of the blood relatives… too many blocks….they have never been there for me… in the past… and discrimination and stigma means it keeps replicating…. Family patterns … so hard … the young generations lose out… I &have to accept kindness care and inclusion where it is offered 

Re: Fragile

Oh @Appleblossom , I'm hearing you. I'm so so sorry you are feeling this way. It sounds so unfair and so hard.


Sittingn with you.

Re: Fragile

Thanks @tyme 


yes family first 


but what and how to fight the good fight!?!


I can’t force it 


my family circumstances have always been serious and unusual and the range of social and economic capital always very broad… Eg level of poverty and riches … I have been blamed for things I had no control over and people don’t even want to understand… so I really was very invisible when I came here around 2015.


Too much intensity for most 


i recently was sought out by old students parents .. that felt affirming 



Re: Fragile

Yes @tyme I remember the photo of your Ruby. Very similar to my girl. And no, Hannah doesn't run away. I can let her off leash on walks, where it's safe to do so, and she sticks by my side pretty close. Does go ahead a little way to explore sometimes but not far, and comes right back. Never lets me out of her sight. She's pretty good thankfully. She is a little older than Ruby though. Hannah has just turned 15 months, so a little bit more mature.

Re: Fragile

Any training tips @Emelia8 ?

Re: Fragile

I cannot even begin to understand what you are going through regarding your unique family situation @Appleblossom 💞 . You are one very strong and resilient woman, and someone I greatly admire. Really happy to hear that you have found acceptance from others in some important areas in your life. That must feel good, and I'm glad you have that. And of course you always have here at Sane, where you are a much cherished long standing member. 😊

Re: Fragile

Hugs my @Appleblossom ❤️ 

You were the first one to talk to me way back in 2015 my forum sister 


@Emelia8 , @tyme , @PeppyPatti , @outlander