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Re: Fragile

how are you @PeppyPatti

Re: Fragile

Dearest @Appleblossom 

I am so walking with you @Appleblossom 


How is your daughter ? 

I think the worst time for me - with my wonderful sons 


I'm upfront - I was struggling for being scapegoat. 

They both blame me for problems with their father - it was/is very tough.


think the worst time for me -- and is-- is that both sons blaming me for upbringing. 

I paid thousands for therapy and tutoring for when they were at school.


 I wasn't present 

Both my sons - I truly believe love me. My therapist spoke to my youngest son the other day - she came to my wedding : only stayed to see me getting married then raced off .... She says he loves me.


She says it's going to take years for them to trust me again because of mum taking them away from me when they both turned 15. 


I think the real help for me has been trauma therapy. I did Judith Richards trauma therapy. 

Because of my head injury, I'm still in therapy. But you don't need to be after trauma suited me everyone's different. 

Re: Fragile

Lovely to hear from you @outlander 

Are you still on the thread for us older people ? 🤠🤓


I'm physically sick - all is being dealt with. I gave someone $50 to come here this morning to vacuum do dishes. 

So being spoilt a bit this morning. 


Anything fun happening for you ? 



Re: Fragile

im still on that thread @PeppyPatti we can chat there if you like?


im sorry your not feeling well but im glad you had some help with housework. 

ive just gotten home from hospital after a surgery so nothing to exciting for me till i recover more.

Re: Fragile

@Appleblossom 💕🌸💮

@PeppyPatti ❤️🌺

@outlander 💖💐

Re: Fragile

Thanks @PeppyPatti 


My daughter is doing relatively well for herself but has been cutting me off since late secondary school. She was heavily influenced by her school teacher with a famous name who had a lesbian relationship with her. I had to accept being scapegoated. She accused me of being homophobic when she knew it wasn’t true. It’s also complicated by her half sister older by 16 months.  I had made a photo book celebrating her early life and tried to give it to her but she blocked me. I have to let any hope go. It has been really tricky since my brothers death in 1995. No matter what I do I can’t heal my family. It makes other achievements pale into insignificance. Family was always most important. The girls attitudes have seriously impacted on my son but we have to let go of all the explanations and make the best of today. The consequences are serious though, too much to go into for anonymity. 

Thanks for being there for me.


@Shaz51 @tyme @outlander @Emelia8 

Re: Fragile

Awww @Appleblossom , I'm so so sorry. I can see how hard that is for you. I dont have any answers, but I want you to know that I'm sitting with you.

Re: Fragile

Dearest Apple 🍏 🍎 ❣️🌱


 I am so sorry this has happened for you. Sweetheart. So sad. Losing a child.


You keep up your very intelligent and caring self online through all of this.


My heart is always with you, write to me I will always be here for you, 


Re: Fragile

That's so so hard @Appleblossom heartbreaking to hear 💔 Life can be so unfair to the absolute best people. You've done so well to ride out the many torrid storms in your life. And still be the beautiful person you are today. 🌸

Re: Fragile

Thank you @tyme @Emelia8 and


@PeppyPatti I just had to find ways to keep going for my son. Yes, it is a loss of my daughter. 


My biological daughter works extremely hard but I am finding it difficult to excuse her attitudes to her brother.  My foolish approach of keep hoping and praying that people do the right thing has not been adequate. I do have to accept that but didn’t really have any other options. Yes I kept doing the practical work as well. 

I also did not want to exist in misery, so I keep yearning and reaching for the stars.