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Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

I am feeling totally and utterly done with trying to communicate. I just don't see the point in the effort it takes to try to explain what I'm feeling, what's playing out in my head and why I'm feeling that. Especially since it goes unheard. 


Little back story, I'm waiting on seeing a psychiatrist with possibility of 4 diagnoses, probably between 2-3 (Bp2, bpd, gad, depression).


My relationship is - screwed, on the rocks, likely over. 


I recently went to emergency because i was over losing control, over getting so upset and emotional and taking it out on my s/o.  Community mental health have been great. Checking in, set up a plan of action, I’m no longer waiting in no man’s land.


I've tried so freaking hard to wait until I'm calmer to explain what I'm going through. 

I've tried so hard to keep it about what I'm feeling and what affects and makes me feel that way - what he does/says that triggers me. 

When he doesn't get it, I get even more upset. I am trying so bloody hard to keep it all intact, to not completely lose it and in return he still doesn't get it. 

My biggest triggers are when I don't hear back from him and left waiting for him to get back to me, or expecting him at a certain time (and he sux with time so I give allowances for that, I allow an extra hour Every time because he takes forever) and he not showing up for hours - but I should be grateful he came at all. I have tried to tell him all I need is to KNOW what is going on, send me a text you're gonna be late, send me a text you got caught up, just don't leave me hanging. 


I have various reasons for requesting time lines. He lives an hr away, but also an hr and half from work. I'm closer to his work. So he comes when it's easier for him to leave for work from my place. I'm already feeling insecure he is only visiting for convenience. I've tried to explain that. I take medication which is supposed to help me sleep and with anxiety. It helps with anxiety alot but if I'm not in a good mood (agitated, irritated, annoyed) it doesn't help with sleep. It also doesn't help if I get woken during my sleep - which s/o was doing when coming in late. I've explained I need to take my medication at a certain time so I'm not so groggy the next morning, so I can get out of bed and get ready for work. I've explained things that work, things that ultimately affect my mood. And sleep routine is proving helpful.

I have tried over and over to communicate these feelings and he does the exact same thing the next day, 2 days later, a week later.

I am seriously trying to keep my head together while learning and trying to find out what will help me get better. Therapy takes time. And I know I have alot of hard work ahead of me, but I have seen a psychologist once. I see him again in 2 weeks. How the hell am I expected to just snap out of this. Even I know it takes time and while I haven't properly started therapy, I'm freaking trying.

This frustrates me so much. I am trying. I try so hard. I am trying to change but I get nothing in return. So now, I am completely done. I have hung up my communication boots. I am done trying to explain shit. I am done him thinking it’s just a freaking episode and things will blow over soon. 

It won't blow over when the same crap keeps happening. How many times do I have to explain that!!!

Maybe one day these things won't trigger me, maybe one day I can deal with waiting for hours for a freaking reply. Maybe one day I will cope with him not turning up for hours after I expect him.

But I already know it will take time to get there. But I need a little help along the way and right now I feel like there is absolutely no support in my needs. I feel like he can do and says what he pleases but the moment I get upset, the moment my mood changes, it’s all just an episode and wait for her to calm down and all is well. It’s not well. He still doesn’t get it. He does the same, says the same and yes I know I need to work on things I say, things I do but I AM TRYING.

These feelings come flooding. I realise alot is the feeling of rejection/ feeling abandoned and it comes from trauma in my childhood. I’m learning why my head is like it is, the way it developed because of trauma. I’m learning about my possible diagnoses and I’m trying the different things that might help, but I also know these possible diagnoses aren’t exactly a walk in the park and recovering takes alot of time and healing.

When do I get met halfway? When does he start to see the why’s and how’s and helps by saying something or doing something just a bit differently. Why am I the one feeling like I am constantly trying but he can just sit and wait? I am just done trying to explain.

He doesn’t see a connection in my rejection/abandoned feelings. I don’t know how to explain anymore. I don’t know how to open and be any more vulnerable than I already am. So now I am just freaking done trying to bloody communicate.


Re: Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

From what you have written @26aqua it seems that a lot of this relationship is one way and you are not only giving it everything you have but not being met equally with respect or kindness. A simple text or call to say someone is going to be later than expected is common courtesy. You putting your life on hold to accommodate his timeline is not a partnership and his continued apathy in regards to your feelings is not either. Yes there are many reasons why you think/feel/act as you do but that does not take away his role in all this and if he cannot see any fault in his behaviour and attitude towards you then it is not just you that needs to work on yourself. Maybe if he cannot see what part he is playing in how you are then questioning if this relationship is doing more harm than good for you is something to consider.

Re: Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

Hi @Zoe7 thanks for your comment. 

I spent the evening again going through all the motions, telling him what I needed from him. 

It's my birthday today and he wanted to see me, I kept telling him no. Because everyone will get wrapped in the birthday wishes and I do have to try for my girls sake and the efforts they have put in, and then what - it all gets brushed aside again. 

I tried, I sent 4 texts, book length, going into detail again about what he says or does that causes my intense feelings, what I need from him and I told him if he can't meet me some of the way, I need him to stay out of my life. I told him I am trying to piece my life together, I'm struggling with so much personally and he isn't listening. I tried telling him the exact things that upset me. I sent a 5th text telling him I needed to go to bed, I had early work and didn't get sleep the night before. 

I woke up to my bedroom door open at about 3.30am. I thought I felt someone in my room but I had only just woke up. I closed my door. I thought I saw his boots. And I couldn't get back to sleep. 

I got up for a smoke and he was laying on the couch. I ended up exploding. 


He didn't listen. He did what he needed to do for him. Not what I needed. I needed sleep, uninteruppted sleep. 

I have no idea what time he got here. But he left my present at my bedroom door, left my door open and the kitchen light on. 

I had over 2 hrs before my alarm went off and he is here, woken me again. 

After I spent all weekend communicating this to him. After I spent the week before communicating this to him. After I even spent another 2 hours tonight, after saying I was done communicating, I still tried. 


And he shows up. No reply to my texts. Just shows up. 

I got over emotional within minutes. Lost control. Was acting violent (not at him) and just lost it. you are not listening to me

He left. He walked passed and left. And now I have an hr before my alarm goes off, I've had maybe 4 hours sleep and I'm worked up. 


He showed up, after telling him all yesterday I don't want to see you. After telling him what I need and instead of responding, turns up to put on a show. And now, because he drove an hr to make that effort to see me, to give my presents, to show up even when I asked him not to, I will be the arsehole who lost control and didn't see his kindness, his care, his effort. 

He didn't listen to my needs. He didn't listen to what I needed from him. He acted. He did what he thought would win me over rather than actually dealing with what i told him. I told him I will not let this blow over in my text. 


I've been thinking some time about whether the relationship is making things harder for me, and I have to agree. I feel like I am doing all this hard work and he feels like he just has to put up with me, be a whipping boy. Take my outbursts and ride it out. 

I don't know how many times I have tried to explain i don't want a whipping boy or someone who will take my punches. I want to be heard, I want, I need to be acknowledged and have my concerns met. I need for him to see what he does triggers me, just like this morning. And now I'm swallowed up by guilt and shame for losing control again. And I'll apologise for that, like always because i don't like that side of me, I don't like losing control - I doubt I will get one back. I did not ask for him to come, I told him I did not want him here. I spent 2 hours telling him again, writing it all out. 


I just don't understand. 

Re: Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

Hey @26aqua I don't think you should be questioning yourself  or understanding. To me it is a clear crossing of boundaries that you have quite cleary set and he has quite clearly ignored. I do not blame you at all for getting angry with him - turning up despite you asking him not to is a clear crossing of those boundaries. You have every right to have those boundaries in place and every right to feel safe in your own home. 


I hear you will apologise for your outburst but I am wondering if that infact if that will continue to feed into his belief that he is right and you are simply 'having a moment'. It is so much more than that - I hear that it is not a side of you that you like but the message is not getting through so do not beat yourself up for exploding. If what you are saying is falling on deaf ears then maybe it is time for you to stop trying to explain and lead your own life ...find things that you enjoy, do them whether he says he is coming or not ...don't let your life be ruled by the constant waiting and let downs - that is no way to live your life Hon.

Re: Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

Thank you, I don't feel like apologising right now, I don't know how I will feel when I 'come down'. He left his keys under the door, he hadn't said anything, so I can only assume that's his "done" with it.
Thank you for support, x

Re: Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

As hard as that is @26aqua it might be a good thing for you. I certainly do not wish the end of a relationship on you or anyone but when it is giving you so much grief you certainly deserve better. See how you feel about everything later and then consciously make the right decisions for you. We certainly do not think clearly when we are under stress so having that time to yourself - and being able to work through all this in a more stable mindset - will hopefully help you make rational decisions.


Let me know how you are later Hon Heart

Re: Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

@Zoe7 again I can't thank you enough for your support, you are an absolute gem 💜

I'm much calmer, I had a sleep and when I woke was extremely down, sad, lonely, rejected, abandoned. 

But i put my brave face on and gave my girls my every bit of energy to accept their most beautiful birthday gifts. 

My girls are turning 13 and 15 this year and are the most compassionate young ladies I know (most likely biased but they are). 


They spent all last week creating a scrapbook of photo's and writing the most kind and caring words, telling me how much they love, respect and cherish me 💜 it was overwhelming but lifted my spirits, I must be doing something right!


I haven't made contact and I havent had any from s/o. I feel like reaching out but I also think it's better if I take a few more days. 

I know my explosion came from frustration of not being heard, my requests being ignored. I feel like I can't move forward with him until he can acknowledge his role and change his approach to supporting my needs. In saying that, I also don't know where he is at, what he thinks and I'm not ready to go there yet. I need time. Alone. To sort my thoughts, feelings and to figure out what's best for my moving forward and finding peace again. 


Trying to just be calm and find peace in the moment, trying to focus my energy on my girls and get lost in Netflix marathon. 


Thank you @Zoe7 again, 💜

Re: Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

I do think you taking time is a very wise move @26aqua It will both allow you to be just You for a while without any expectations or constraints pulling you down and let him know by no contact that you are okay by yourself and you don't 'need' him to be whole. It may also give him time to think about what it is he wants and make some decisions too. Often absence makes the heart grow fonder but it also allows for self reflection unencumbered by the present issues in the relationship. 


Your girls sound like absolutely wonderful daughters Hon. That scrapbook is both a reflection of how they see you as well as the values and priorities you have shown them - so Yes be very proud ...of both them and how you have raised them Heart


Is it today that is your birthday Hon - I cannot believe I missed that ...sending you some extra love and a big squishy hug for your special day 🎉💖

Re: Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

it sounds like you are trying so hard to communicate with your Significant Other but hes not taking you seriously,you always have friends on here to talk to and he sounds scarey that he would just show up to your home while your sleeping without asking first its very much creepy,Please take care and you deserve to have time to yourself to rest when you need x

Re: Communicating, pfft, what's the point?

Hey @26aqua 


sorry I've been awol for a few days.... bad tooth but all better now. Except that, you know, after a week on antibotics the thrush kicks in... all good fun...


It takes a very special kind of person to partner someone with complex mental health issues. I hope I am one of those people... Mr S seems to think so... and there are some people on here who make my saint hood (joke) pale into insignificance.


It doesn't sound like your bloke was one of those people. He sounds like (forgive, yes I know "not all men") one those who have their own agenda and for some reason even the simplest of requests go in one ear and out the other. I was married to one of those once. Not a bad person, just a man. It was no big deal because I wasn't sick.


There are male partners on this forum who are OUTSTANDING in their patience and understanding. They exist and I'm sure there'll be one for you when you sort yourself out a bit. 


With 3 already to care for, (you and the 2 girls) you don't need another complication you need care. You weren't getting it. When I first met the Mr he was concerned I was going to complicate his life but my mantra was "facilitate not complicate" and by listening to what he needed I could smooth the way for him. 


Some days my life is an absolute pigging nightmare- when he goes manic angry over nothing... or rather what I perceive as nothing... he is also on the spectrum so some things are a huge deal that most of us wouldn't even notice.


We try really hard to always listen to each other and I NEVER discount his feelings as invalid just because he's in a episode. Usually when it's over he will tell me how silly he was. I know that there is no point whatsoever trying to have a rational discussion when it's happening and I know that when it's over we can be honest with each other about what went down and how much he actually meant. (You want 27 trowels at strategic locations all around the garden... really?) (Yeah, nah... did I really say that?)


Two years ago I would have gone out and bought the trowels that day in the hope of avoiding another bollocking but then that would have made him feel even worse.. always learning.


You need a partner who is always learning, not one who likes the fact that your place is closer to his work and doesn't think personal boundaries matter.


Chins up, keep calm and carry on being a mum.

