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Career Chat // Creative ways to access the hidden job market // CLOSED

This week in Career Chat:


You might have heard someone mention “the hidden job market”, a term that refers to the fact that less than 20% of jobs available at any given time are ever advertised or posted in any public way.  In this forum we will be discussing ideas and tips to access the hidden job market.

Join @Debstar from Ostara Australia this Friday from 10am AEDT to discuss and learn more about this interesting topic!



Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

Hi there,

It’s Debstar back again to talk with you about tips and tricks to access the hidden job market.

As you may have heard, less than 20% of jobs available at any time are ever advertised or posted in any public way. That leaves over 80% of jobs that that we will never know about if we only job search in traditional ways.

Keen to hear how you have found jobs over the years? Did you access advertised jobs or source them in other ways?

Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

hi debstar, i probably know you actually. i have always applied for jobs as a result of ads, but had the headhunters ring me up quite a few times when i was high-flying.  i never took any of the headhunters offers 'tho as none of the jobs they offered were ever quite right for me.  yes, networking is a good way to find jobs too.  it's nice to be at this thread actually. i have gotten so used to being downtrodden i had forgotten how successful i used to be.  i have just reminded myself in the typing of this post.  tks!  god bless!

Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

@Debstar of course the hidden job market can be a bit 'iffy' - Equal opportunity legislation often means that they can't just shoe one into a job but if they really want to they will find a way to do that.  smaller businesses are probably a bit more of a 'free-for-all' in this way.  it's been a while since i was in the workplace proper - what are they up to these days - outsourcing? vertical integation? bullying staff until they can't function anymore?  *sorry, being cynical* 🙂  :0

Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

@Debstar sorry, Debstar, i was so busy self-promoting that i sort of didn't address the issue.  Yes, approaching people for work (door-to-door or emailing or offering a 'work experience' stint) can all work.  only one will have to leave eventually because of discrimination is the only problem *sorry, i am being cynical again but it's true, too*.  volunteer work is the best and you can set up your own 'business' and/or 'invent' your work, if have found. i hope this information is helpful to someone.

Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

Thanks  for your messages @Terry. Perhaps we know each other 🙂

I can appreciate that sometimes jobs can be filled internally and thus it can seem unfair and like there are not the opportunities for everyone.   And it can be understandable  to feel cynical when things don’t turn out as we want them to, or that others are getting all of the opportunities.

Having said  that,  I have a lot of clients who have found jobs in bigger as well as smaller businesses.  One lady from my recent group called up a range of large companies, and after a handful of phone calls, acquired  an interview.   She didn’t get the job, but became much more optimistic by the fact that she received an  interview, that she called a few more organisations, was  asked in for another interview and then got the job.  Eight months later she is happily working for this company.  Now that is not to say that cold calling is for everyone, but it is one method that may work for you. 

Thanks for sharing your ideas to source jobs.  Sourcing opportunities door to door, networking, emailing or doing a work experience stint can be a great way to access the hidden job market. 

I have got a couple of my jobs through family contacts and friends.  My first full time job came through my mum. She was working for the same retail company, and having her as a contact gave me an introduction.  I still had to interview, but certainly got a head start having an internal contact.

@Terry, love that writing these posts has reminded you of how successful you used to be. Who knows what great things the future will bring 🙂

Would love to hear from people who have found other ways to access the hidden job market.

Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

Hi @Debstar I have been looking for worl for a year now.Its so frustrating and I just cant seem to find the work that I am looking for. Do you have any tips for getting the job you want? Could you explain more about the hidden job market?

Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

I think word of mouth can be very powerful. I have most of recent employment from word of mouth. Friends (or my parents friends) passing on details of people they knew looking for work. 

I also find that calling into places with my resume can be really beneficial. I always make sure I am dressed in a clean, tiny manner - nothing too dressy but not to casual either and my resume is presented neatly but also on peices of paper that havent been damaged at all (sometimes I use plastic sheets to protect them). I guess I am fortunate that I could talk the hind legs off a donkey in this sort of situation - just dont invite me to a bbq/out for dinner etc! 😛 I have also offered to do a volunteer shift at times if I really wanted the job (this is more retail, hospitality jobs I have had) to try and entice the managers into giving me a go. 

I also try and go by the philosophy that beggers cant be choosers. If I need work I will take crappy jobs (I dont want to go back to working in a bakery but Im about to while I wait for a better job to come up). I think people value that attitude of just giving things a crack as a stop gap. Hard though. I recently did some house cleaning - yuk, not sure I could do that again!!!


Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

Hello @Debstar @Terry @Jinxand @Billamba,

I agree with @Billamba word of mouth is powerful. As the saying goes it can be a bit like, it not about what you know, but who you know. I don't agree with this statement fully, I think it can be a bit about both. 

As negative as that saying sounds, sometimes it can give you a shoe in. Doesn't mean that you'll always get the job though. I've gotten a few jobs through asking friends and colleagues, but have usually had an interview to demonstrate that I have the appropriate skills. 

I think one of the most challenging times when I was looking for work was when I was overseas - I had no contacts, family or friends, and many of the places that I had worked at here in Australia, and my qualifications were not recognised by prospective employers abroad. I applied for SO MANY jobs in my profession but had no luck at first. 

So I had to start from scratch. I walked around to shops and cafes, and scored a job at a cafe. It was an 'invisible' job in that it was not advertised but they were looking for staff via word of mouth and I just happened to walk in at the right time. After this, I continued to send out my resume until I got a job more aligned with my profession. It was an ok job, but there were very poor conditions. After a while, someone there, recommended I apply at another place that they worked at as they knew of available positions. I made sure I dropped off my resume in person (always ensure it's ok to do this), met the manager, and I mentioned the person who suggested that I applied. I was lucky to get an interview. Turns out there were over 100 applicants, but I got the job! 

So like @Billamba mentioned, sometimes beggers can't be choosers. Sometimes it can take working in not the most ideal jobs, but they can be great gateways and a step closer to something more ideal as they can provide good networking opportunities.


Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

@CherryBomb, wow, you were chosen out of 100 applicants - that is fantastic!  i used to be such an employee too.  Now i think if there were 100 jobs and I was the only applicant i probably wouldn't get it, so disillusioned am i now with the workforce.  but anyway, keep positive, be grateful and forgive - that's a friend's recent advice to me and i think it's the only way i'm going to be able to approach the workforce in this country in future.  gotta go - everyone's angry with me 😞  take care and may the remainder of your day be blessed.  i know that where i'm at is not where others are necessarily at - i think 'footrprints' is where i'm at.  i actually challenge anyone to read that and not be moved to tears.  anyway, i should be working. catch you all later x