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Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

Hi @Jinx, @Billamba and @CherryBomb,

@Jinx, I can understand the frustration looking for work, especially because it has been taking some time.  It may be worth trying some ideas suggested today or perhaps connecting with a Job Network provider such as Ostara (if you are not already).   You are given an employment consultant and they will help you to build your skills and confidence and then source a suitable role.  The hidden job market are any jobs that are on offer that are not advertised (and therefore invisible to most people) eg you hear about them through word of mouth, ring employers that  you like the sound of, visit their business etc.

@Billamba, thanks for all of your suggestions.  And @CherryBomb thanks for sharing your story of one of your most challenging times finding work, and how you made it work for you.  A perfect example of the hidden job market and how taking  an ok job (which we often refer to as a survival job)  can help lead you in the direction of finding a suitable or your dream job.

Here is one of my favourite hidden job stories.  I have a  friend who wanted a marketing  job with a sporting club.  To be creative and attract attention (one of the requirements in marketing), he sent his resume in a football he had cut in half.  The employer called him within a week of receiving his application  and offered him a job. The employer said they couldn’t say no  (even though there wasn’t a job on offer at the time) because he was so creative, and that was what the marketing role was all about.  How incredible that they created a role for him!

Our attempts to gain work don’t always result in success, but who knows what could be possible if we put on our creative thinking caps, and came up with some ways to do things a bit differently. 

Would love to  hear your thoughts on this topic.

Re: Career Chat // Friday 22 January, 10am AEDT // Creative ways to access the hidden job market

So true @Terry, so wonderful that @CherryBombwas chosen out of 100 applicants.   Keep positive, grateful and forgive. What wise words, which can be applied  to the job hunt and all sorts of things. 

And remember, the job hunt is a numbers game.  I like to believe that every time I get a “no”, I am a little bit closer to a “yes”.  Hang in there, if you are looking for a job, find ways to access the hidden job market, and who knows, a job may be on its way.

Have a lovely weekend and look forward to connecting next week, for  the benefits of working, and ways to overcome the challenges.  See you all then 🙂