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Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Thanks for the tag @Oaktree 


My forums name is actually a nickname my uncles gave me when I was born. It relates to my first name. Oh and the 24 is just because my birthday is the 24th. 


Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Hey there @Oaktree 

yes it’s a really interesting thread 🙂

I love what the baby oak symbolises in your pic 🌺🙂


That’s an interesting point with regards to changing username - I hadn’t thought of that 

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Hey @Oaktree I don't know any of the gaming or other acronyms u used but I think it's potentially a good idea re privacy 

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Hi @tyme 


Thanks for the invite to the thread 🙂


I like the mythology and symbolism of the apple tree, ie the gods ate Idunn's apples to stay youthful/divine. Eve chose to eat the apple of knowledge, offered by the snake of transformation. A tree links the earth and sky, supporting life amongst its branches. It is its own community. 


I also grew up with a beautiful old-fashioned apple tree in our backyard. It always gave us big and juicy apples, full of flavour, but you had to eat them fast, because they didn't keep for long (hence why this variety is not mass produced). 


So to me, the idea of the tree is a perfect example of the principles we can apply to people and communities to sustain them. 

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Hey @Oaktree just saw your post about your username - if you'd like to chat about it further and figure out what is gonna work best for you, feel free to email us 😉 We can also change it for you if that's what you decide 💜 

Re: What does your forums' name mean?



I just sent you an email to




Re: What does your forums' name mean?

@tyme @Jynx @8ppleTree @EternalFlower @Former-Member @Shaz51 


My new username Oaktree symbolises the hope I want to find in my recovery journey. From a tiny acorn a massive Oak tree grows. 



Re: What does your forums' name mean?

That's beautiful @Oaktree 😍

I love that 😀

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Well since we don't use our real names I had to come up with something quickly before my first shift so the first thing I saw in my lounge room was my little hello kitty bag toy that is attached to my shoulder bag I  take when I was previous;y studying.


Not expecting it to be actually available as a user name but it is one I can actually remember well, given the amount of usernames and passwords I have to use and remember daily.


Also just a bit of a hello kitty fan as well as stitch 🙂

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Hahaha @HelloKitty1981 ! I like it !


I'm not sure if you've met @Bow , but @Bow shared earlier that when coming up with a name, they looked on the curtains and saw a Bow... lol. (correct me if I'm wrong @Bow ).


Love it! Thanks for sharing!