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For the past two weeks I haven’t stopped crying and being emotional. I recently lost my grandparents; I think that’s contributing, but I just feel empty. 


Re: Sadness

hi @Livvy10193 


Thanks for joining us here on SANE. I am one of the forum moderators, babyshark. 


Sorry to hear about your loss, we have a few discussions around grief and loss, and I hope you can find some comfort and support here in the forums. 💔💓



Peer Support Worker

Re: Sadness

Hi @Livvy10193 


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's understandable that you'd would be struggling with these emotions while in the midst of grief. 

I notice you say that you feel that grief is a contributor to these feeling of emptiness, has anything else been going on that you feel may be contributing?

I'm also wondering about your supports - it's fantastic that you've been able to reach out here, are there others who you've been able to speak to about these emotions?

Re: Sadness

Thank you for sharing @Livvy10193 ,


I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you can use this time to look after yourself.