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New Contributor

New here

Hi all  new here,


Been struggling with the fact of losing my wife kids job,whole life in one day through no fault of my own, haven't seen or spoken to my kids in 3 months and it's so so hard,

But the strength and love for my kids has gotten to where I am now,and I know that soon I will have them,it's just all procedure 🥺,


Thank you to all that read my post ,❤️

Senior Contributor

Re: New here

Hello @Wolf5110_80 and welcome to the forums. Thankyou for sharing your story, I'm sorry to hear what has happened and I know it is incredibly hard to go through. 


Please know that you are not alone and we are here to support you.


Stay strong and I hope everything works out soon ❤️

Re: New here

Thankyou so much for your thoughts ,❤️

Re: New here

@Wolf5110_80 you're welcome. Always here if you want to chat ❤️ 

Peer Support Worker

Re: New here

Hi @Wolf5110_80 I also wanted to welcome you here


That's a huge change to have to process, I can only imagine how difficult that would be. It's great to hear that you're able to maintain that positive outlook and belief that you'll be with your kids again soon.


I hope that you can find connection here and draw on support from the community during this time