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Casual Contributor

support groups

ello darlins. do any of you go to any support groups?


what do you get?


what do you do?


why are they at times when most people are working so can't go ?  (albeit i lost my job so i could now)


do you like apples?  


Re: support groups

Hey Tiger,
Yes I do go to a support group. Yes it works for me. Yes it is as night but there are also groups on during the day.
Yes I have attended a Carers group as well.

What I get from attending my group is sanity and friendship.

From attending a mutual self help group such as Grow, I now work in mental health.

Many people I have got to know in group have also fully recovered and gone back to work, full time or part time.

Many of us volunteer as well as our motto is to become gentle builders of free and whole community.

We share problems and progress each week and we learn from each other.

I thoroughly recommend tapping into a similar group if you have one near you. In the meantime, these forums are a good place to find out about resources and what helps!

Hope this helps you!
