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random rant

I haven't posted here in ages but have sometimes been reading.


Feeling angry atm. On a different forum I raised a technical issue to the admin via DM. They fixed the issue but didn't reply and just deleted the DM history so I can't even see the message I'd sent. Like how hard is it to just reply and say "cool, fixed" or something rather than just pretending I don't even exist.


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Re: random rant

Hi @TheVorticon 

Sorry you experienced that. Society has shifted. Whe  you apply for jobs today via email, the often say "only people they are interested to are replied"

I think all the effort with resumes etc surely it is not hard to reply.

So l feel your frustration.

A rant or vent is healthy

Re: random rant

Long time, no see @TheVorticon  🙂 Welcome back.


I hear you when you mentioned about getting a response. It can get frustrating. 


It is also a reminder for me that I respond to people. I have to acknowledge that sometimes, things get missed for me... maybe I'm the guilty one...


Although, I don't work on any other forums 🙂

Re: random rant

Yeah I reckon hey @Former-Member. It's so rude for a company to not respond. It's like 3 minutes work to get the list of unsuccessful candidates and give them all a "Dear candidate, Unfortunately you were unsuccessful in your application. Regards, HR Team". At least they'll get AI to do it soon.

Re: random rant

Hi @tyme. Yeah it's been a long while.

I hate when people don't reply but this is next level.

Like they clearly went through the effort of deleting the DM from both sides rather than just letting it sit there, so it was obviously a conscious choice to erase the fact that I'd said anything to them. I can still see another conversation where the other person later literally died so his account is just sitting there, and yet this admin has to go and delete the one message I sent him?!

99.999% sure that this other person is not you lol

I've been guilty of not replying sometimes (mostly back when I was in school/uni) but mostly even when I was totally anxious I'd still try to do it.
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Re: random rant

Hi @TheVorticon 

AI. Oh l worry so much about that. I have been helping a vulnerable friend for a few years. She had a nice heart and trusts everyone. This AI topic is so scary. I cannot believe how many scammers there are.

As far as your issue goes, i totally agree how bad it is. Sadly l say society has gone this way. Everyone is in a hurry. No patience. Morals and ethics reduce. 

So it is nice to hear you are someone of values l agree with and sees the disrespect in your situation. But not much we can do.

Glad you vented on this forum

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Re: random rant

Hi @TheVorticon 

This thread shows we have three with @tyme who all respond.

So some do. You found it here!

Re: random rant

Thanks @Former-Member. Yeah true, AI is definitely going to make it harder to detect scams and will make things even harder for vulnerable people.

Thanks for listening and I hope you have a good night. I'm going to try and get to sleep.
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Re: random rant


Good night. Sleep well

Re: random rant

Hi @TheVorticon 


I hope you are feeling a little better about things today. I am glad that you found that this was a safe space to vent.


Kind regards,
