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Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  to be honest the ocean and the beach scares me quite a lot too many things that can end you. like cone snails and blue ringed octopuses and stone fish and then if you go into the deep sea there are sharks and sting rays and puffer fish and lion fish and poison sea slugs and killer whales and yeah the list just goes on. plus i never grew up round the ocean so i dont feel the need for it idk like i have been to the beach enough times and yeah idk not my favourite place oh and i forgot to mention the crocodiles and jellyfish there are those too.   

Re: TW eating disorder

@Eden1919 I mean I can't argue with that hahaha. I grew up going to the beach every other weekend so I guess I'm used to it! Meanwhile a friend of mine who grew up in Up-State New York talks about bears roaming their backyard. See, that gives me the heebie jeebies!! Guess it's all a matter of perspective!! 


Ireland, that might be an ideal destination for ya! Very little that can kill you there - they don't even have snakes!

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  lol bears are scary for sure but yeah idk about Ireland i am pretty sure they have lyme disease there so maybe not maybe i will just stay at home and never go anywhere lol. nah idk i hope one day i manage like the outdoors more but for now i am an inside person.  

Re: TW eating disorder

@Eden1919 haha you're like an indoor cat! Prefer to stay safe behind windows for now, that's so legit! Feelings of safety are soooo important to nourish. 


If you could go on holiday anywhere, where would you go? Not Ireland! Haha. I would love to go see some castles in Europe! Or see the Canadian Rockies, maybe try snowboarding! You?

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  i want to go to japan and korea. 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Eden1919 cooool, what has drawn you to those countries? I have heard that Japan is absolutely incredible, and same for Seoul in Korea. I reckon the food would be a huuuge reason for me if I was to go there!

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  i am learning those languages and idk there are just lots of things to see and do there so it looks like it would be fun. 

Re: TW eating disorder

Oh coooool @Eden1919 I've heard they can be quite difficult, cos the structure is so different to English. Do you also happen to enjoy anime? I am not like, super into it but I have enjoyed my share of it 😉

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  yeah they are quite difficult to learn. i am not so much into anime. 

Re: TW eating disorder

Hey @Eden1919 ,


Today, I was only speaking to someone about visiting Japan. I reckon it's a cool place to visit.


Add it to your bucket list 🙂