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Struggling with a new job

Hi all, 


Just thought I would use this forum to share about something that's been bothering me a lot... 

I started a new job (again) this year as I finally found permanent employment after 15 months of being on a temporary contract. I worked really hard to get this position, did the whole 9 yards and now find myself in a really difficult position. 


I feel so overwhelmed right now as I have so many new things to get used to - a new team, a new environment, new policies, and new procedures. I miss my old workplace so much (a workplace I wouldn't have left if it weren't for it being temporary) and I miss my old colleagues there. I feel silly as I am now an 'experienced' professional but I feel as if I can't even manage my emotions that well. 


Does anyone have any general guidelines and tips on how to survive their first few weeks and months of work? I really feel like I'm not coping as well as I should be. 


Thank you in advanced. 


Re: Struggling with a new job

Hey @PartyPooper34 


Thank you for sharing. Sounds like you have a lot of insight and you are incredibly self-aware. 


Congrats on the new job! 


What you are feeling is completely normal, adjusting to a new job and new surroundings can be incredibly difficult and daunting. But look at you go, you are doing it! You should be so proud of yourself. You are demanding more and stepping up and you are out there trying new things and finding what you do want. Kudos to you party popper!


If everything in life was easy and guaranteed, what fun would that be? You have to remind yourself that you left your previous job for a reason. 


Perhaps in your new role, you can try to find a buddy, mentor, or someone that you trust that you can talk to each day for support. Is there someone that comes to mind that you can trust? 


Good on for you taking a leap of faith in getting a new role, and taking on this challenge. 



Re: Struggling with a new job

Hi @PartyPooper34, new jobs are always a multi-faceted challenge.  One thing that helped me was getting advice to "give it a shot, but put a time limit on it" - if it's not working out after X time then look for something else.  You can always leave if it's not to your liking, and knowing that you have a choice to change jobs again is empowering.


It's still a hassle to change jobs, but you can do it if you need to.


Re: Struggling with a new job

Hi @PartyPooper34 


Try not to be so hard on yourself, it's perfectly normal to take time to adjust to a new workplace.


I feel silly as I am now an 'experienced' professional but I feel as if I can't even manage my emotions that well. 

Sounds to me like you have a bit of imposter syndrome going on - you are obviously qualified for the job and deserve to be there, and you are allowed to feel a bunch of different emotions, you are human after all.


Maybe perhaps, can you have a chat to your manager and let them know that it might take you some time to find your feet? I'm sure if you let them know they'll put your mind at ease. You got this