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Something’s not right

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

We are here for you @creative_writer 

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

@tyme, I don’t know what to say or do. It just hurts. I don’t want to hurt more by talking about it. But it’s not healthy to keep it in either.

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

Hearing you @creative_writer . Do you have a weighted blanket?

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

Not yet, @tyme. I’ve been looking for one. I guess I’ll talk whenever I am ready and whoever I feel comfortable with. It’s just a very awkward conversation to have.

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

Fair enough @creative_writer ,


Makes sense. I'd be the same I reckon. I don't get along with EVERYONE. I talk to people for work purposes, but I wouldn't share my life story....


Go slow on the trauma side of things. If you don't feel ready, please don't push yourself. Go slow to go fast 🙂

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

@tyme, always good to take it slow.

My heart is breaking. Grieving over what could’ve been if none of it happened 😭.

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

Sitting with you @creative_writer ❤️🌻

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

@Former-Member ♥️

I can’t stop feeling like damaged goods. I wish I could. Feelings and emotions don’t always make sense, but it doesn’t stop them. First experience is supposed to be meaningful and feel safe, I could never get that 😢.

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

The more I think, the worse it gets

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

Sounds rough 😔 Anything you can do to get out of your head @creative_writer


Either by way of distraction (movies, books, video games, making art) or by getting into your body (dancing, running, going to a playground and swinging as high as you can)? 


Or if thoughts are too loud/overwhelming, journalling them or calling a friend or helpline? 



Illustration of people sitting and standing

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