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Re: New & family problems

Hey @NotInsane just catching up on your posts - and to answer your question, no, not at all! Every single human being alive needs to depend on other people, it's how we evolved! It does absolutely make it that much harder if the people you rely on are not being gentle and supportive, but that is a reflection on them, NOT you. 


Even outside of the pressures from family though, all of us do need help and support from time to time, and with the pressures of our modern world, I am of the opinion that everyone can benefit from accessing mental health support. So maybe you could do so for yourself, when you feel ready - it is YOUR journey after all. 

Re: New & family problems

@Jynx @tyme 


So I should go to mental hospital like they say because they make me upset? I think im ok if Im not upset I feel ok just depressed maybe but they make me upset and say im insane need to go to shrink go to mental hospital   ...  I think they make me upset on purpose they say i am bad person and calling me names and laugh at me say im insane ...  if I go mental hospital does that mean Im insane and they are right?

Re: New & family problems

Hey @NotInsane, thanks for sharing you experiences and thoughts with the community here on the Forums!


Seeking help for our mental health issues whether it's going to the hospital or having therapy etc can be beneficial in our recovery. When we are feeling well these times can be the best time to engage with our treating team as MH can be cyclical in that we have ups and downs. Our ups are good times to prepare for the downs and put coping strategies and ways of thinking in place.


The term insane is not used medically anymore and is a stigmatised term that can cause a person to feel isolated and ashamed. And sometimes people find it helpful to have a diagnosis so they can understand what they are experiencing and what treatment can be provided. Going to hospital does not mean that you will be diagnosed with a mental health issue, and you might just need a little extra support right now. 


That does not make you a bad person as we can all need a little extra support at times.


Have you connected with any services to provide you with support in the community? 


Thanks again for share with your peers!


Take care



Re: New & family problems

Do you mean your family call you names? @NotInsane 

Re: New & family problems

yes they always calling me names like r**t**rd id**t c**t and always calling me insane and crazy they know i dont like it but they always do it and make me upset  ...  are they allowed do this can i report or smth so they stop ?  i know they dont like me but i have noone else i dont know what i can do


@tyme @RiverSeal @Jynx 

Re: New & family problems

Hi @NotInsane it would be so hurtful to hear those things from your family. Being upset by this is a completely natural reaction and doesn't mean that you have a mental illness, or are 'insane' to use your wording. Having said this, being verbally abused like this would very likely hurt your mental health.


Given what you've shared, I would suggest that 1800RESPECT could be a really helpful resource to talk through how your family is treating you and provide you with some guidance and support. You can call them on 1800 737 732


Thank you for sharing here, and I'm really sorry that you're going through this



Re: New & family problems

Oh gosh @NotInsane that's awful! No one deserves to be called names like that, regardless of whether it's family or not! It is called verbal abuse, and is 100% not okay. There's an awesome organisation called 1800RESPECT that have more info on their website, maybe you could give it a read and see how it sits with you? 


They have a support line as well, on . If you're feeling up to it, maybe you could give them a call? First off, because in my experience it always feels better to be able to talk to someone, vent, get it all off our chest, ya know? And secondly, they might be able to give you some direction on options for how to deal with your situation - what your legal rights are, what options are around for some extra support, stuff like that. What do you reckon?

Re: New & family problems

How are you today @NotInsane ?