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Re: My special place

Sitting down next to you @Snowie @@Eve7  ️ 

Re: My special place

Hi @Bow 

How is your day going?

Re: My special place

Up and down @Snowie  had to pop to the shops briefly this morning. Then CM did a home visit. Now just laying in bed feeling lazy. 

how about you?

Re: My special place

Thats good that your CM came over @Bow 

Least you got to the shops hon. Hopefully they weren't too busy.


Not much sleep last night, stuffed up. Did some washing this morning, on couch atm. 



Re: My special place

Yep, had a good chat with her, putting supports and plans in place for while mum is away @Snowie  she leaves early tomorrow morning 


been searching Pinterest for some ideas. Picked up a display cabinet yesterday for FREE! Off marketplace. Was funny, I kept contacting people who had cabinets listed but they kept falling through and it looked like I wasn’t going to get one yesterday. But then I crawled into bed and did another search and this one had just been listed. It was free and it was local! Wanna do it up to put my collectibles in


Sorry last night was sucky for you hon 😞  you watching anything?

Re: My special place

Thats really good to hear that plans are being made for when your mum is away @Bow 

Hopefully it makes it a little bit easier for you whilst she is gone.

You've probably told me, but how long is she away for?


That cabinet sounds great hon. No doubt with your talent, it will turn out wonderful. Does that mean you now need to buy more collectibles to fill it? 😁


Just want to sleep, but I know if I do now I won't tonight.

I'm sorry but not sorry for what I did if that makes sense. So much muddled up.

Re: My special place

It’s hard…. I have had people help me put these plans in place to support me and make sure I succeed @Snowie but that loud voice inside my head that has been really loud lately has its own plans. Guess time will tell who wins. 

mum is away for 3 weeks this time… the longest she has been gone. Hopefully maybe… she will bring my brother back with her. 

it’s a solid wood cabinet with 4 wooden shelves and then glass doors. I’m thinking…. A floral wallpaper on the back inside. Black and white checkered shelves. A nice navy blue on the inside and outside sides and the front frame and then hold top and bottom. And gold flower door knobs! 
I have to go to bunnings. My shoulder is really bad so I can’t sand it back, so hoping I can get like a primer or something?  I’m excited! 
And yes I can buy more Alice in wonderland stuff!! 

yeah as much as I want to sleep during the day…. I actually was really tired this morning. I actually struggled walking the shops, but yeah I don’t tend the sleep during the day. It’s a hard fight though some times! 

and yep I get it! Totally get it. 

Re: My special place

Hopefully you can use your supports and us on here to help you get through the three weeks @Bow Just remember you are not alone hon, we are there for you.

It is a long time for her to be away. Would she come back early at all if your brother comes with her?

Maybe the cabinet can be something to work on/distract you whilst you are by yourself, especially during the day when D is at school. Sounds like you have got it all worked out. You will have to take a pic and show us once it's done. Or even a before and after pic.


I guess I was lucky H was home last night. I think that's the only reason I didn't have a knock on the door. H could tell something was wrong. 

Just trying to stay present today and not loose myself again.

Watching the footy atm. Not much else on.




Re: My special place

Thanks @Snowie  hopefully I can get through the 3 weeks with no major hiccups. 

nah, she won’t come back earlier. My brother has an oncology appointment early the week they are due to come back. The outcome of that appointment will determine whether he comes back with her. 

yeah hoping it will be a good distraction and something to do. Just need to get everything I need. 

im really glad your hubby is so atune to how you are going and so understand hon. You got lucky there! His a good man. 

what’s for dinner tonight for you and your crew? We just finished dinner, had chicken and veg… and have enough for dinner tomorrow night for d and I 

Re: My special place

One day at a time @Bow 

A trip to bunnings to get everything you need doesn't sound like a bad idea hon. Always a fun place to go.

Last time we went there I brought two plants. They are still alive!!! 


I am lucky with H. I try and shield him from a lot of things. Thats got nothing to do with his support, but more with my insecurities. 


Tea was just H and me tonight. D at her boyfriends and S at work. Nice and easy toasted sandwiches for tea! Thats good that you have got leftovers for tomorrow night.