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Re: My special place

I hope you have a restful night @tyme you have great supporting everyone and you seem to have a bit on yourself

Re: My special place

Hi @tyme 

I realise the last few days have been difficult for you too. It still amazes me how you can give so much support to others, when you have your own things happening.

Thanks for being you 💗

Re: My special place

So two visits to the gp this morning. One for mum, one for me (different Doctors).

Got mum's issues sorted out relatively easy so that was good.


Mine didn't really go to plan. She wanted to touch base with my pdoc and discuss a few things. Not sure if she needed my permission or anything, but I ended up saying ok.

Least it's sunny!


Re: My special place

@Snowie hon  💕💕💕💕 and squishy hugs

Re: My special place

1000009763 (002).jpg

Hasn't stopped, damm clouds

Re: My special place

Lots of love to you hun @Snowie 



Re: My special place

Thank you for being you