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Re: My special place

Yes I had to drive him to work @Till23 It's too far for him to walk as we live just out of town.

Having people around does help me. It means I have to get up Mon-Fri to take son to school. Have no choice. I also have my mum who isn't allowed to drive, so I have to take her places too.


I admire you for finding that motivation from within. It is not easy to do.

Sometimes it's so much easier just to hide from the world. To block everything out. But we know that this doesn't help our mental health.

Re: My special place

Yes @Snowie I know that if I am to keep on going I need to do things. It doesn’t always mean it happens or it turns out as I’d hoped but I feel I have to try.

So I just try to find things. I like my garden, and I could spend more time there, but for me that is a solitary pursuit so I look for other things with some connection.

 I would do more things if I had someone to do things with though and I’m sure I’d enjoy it more.

Re: My special place

Would you believe I had cookies and cream?? @Bow  Anyway it was Yummo.


Kids did well last night.

Re: My special place

I think it is really good @Till23 that you have an insight into what helps you. There are many out there that don't.

Do you have any friends close by that you can grab a coffee/tea with?

Re: My special place

I moved to this town when I was older @Snowie so it’s been more difficult to make friends. Many people my age already have their friend group. I don’t have children, which is how many people meet other people (their kids friends parents etc). But I am slowly meeting people.

 I try to have something outside the house to do with other people at least half the days of the week.

Re: My special place


Re: My special place

@Eve7 Cookies and cream seems a funny flavour for a donut 🤣

I’m glad to here the kids did well last night

Re: My special place

It is hard to make those friendships when one's are already established @Till23 

Hopefully with time you can meet some people that you can catch up with too.


Will say goodbye for now. Have to go pick up my son from work. Will talk again soon.

Re: My special place

Hey @Snowie @Till23 @Eve7 @Bow @outlander ,


Hope you are all well. I know it's late, but I didn't want to hop off tonight without saying hello to you all.


My fav Krispy Kreme doughnut is the plain one. Microwave it for a few seconds and it's delish!


@Till23 , as for 'older' people being on the forums, like @Snowie mentioned, it's quite a mix. When a young young person comes on, you can almost tell straightaway. They post very differently.


I've worked on youth forums before and I really did not like it at all. I had no patience to deal with the 'issues' that arose. Which is strange because I love working with young people in real lifel.


On these forums, however, people have a wealth of experience to share which I always love reading about. I can relate to so much of what people share here. I'm not young young, but I'm not old either... 

Re: My special place

I had so much going through my head last night that I just had to stop and when I remembered the servo had Krispy Kreme’s I had to have one @tyme