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Re: My special place

Doing okish @Snowie  but I’m very tired and drained. Sore too


yeah we had our country market today. We did ok, but it was a bit quiet. Very hot too. Really had to push myself to be social today. 


came home from market, sorted the kittens out and then put the AC and fan on and crawled into bed. Just got up now for some toast for dinner. 

how’s your day been?

Re: My special place

Go gentle on yourself @Bow Has been a big day both mentally and physically. Bed with air con and fan sounds great!


Just stayed in bed today. Managed to get up for a shower but that's it. Know it's not good for me but I've got no motivation to do anything.

Re: My special place

Has been a massive few days for me @Snowie  i need a day in bed like you. Nothing on tomorrow so may do a lot of resting. 

it’s ok to spend the day in bed if that is what you need. I’m glad you were able to listen to your body. 

I did have a lovely conversation with the lady running the stall opposite us. She came over and was looking at my Alice in wonderland work and she said she was a big fan… asked if my book sculpture was for sale. We chatted about book collections,  she said she was going to London later in the year so I told her about all the Alice things in London. 

Re: My special place

Cooking sounds like it’s good for you @Snowie 

I live by myself (except for my dog) so I can only experiment on myself cooking-wise.

 I am an introvert by nature and I have really pushed myself to be more social, which is often anxiety provoking. Since I retired, which is very recently, I realised I needed to have more social contact as I was feeling depressed and without a purpose without work.

 I am doing a day of volunteering as well.

Re: My special place

What do you sell at your stall @Bow 

Sounds like you are an artist, maybe a sculptor?

 I do like crafty things and really admire people who are talented in the arts.

 I used to do photography especially macro (close up) photography. Unfortunately I’ve let that go by the wayside with my health and MH problems. When I feel a bit better than currently I hope I can get back to

it. I did a bit of crossstitch, I can do basic knitting. I did a little bit of woodworking which I wouldn’t mind getting back to.

Re: My special place

Yes @Snowie and @Bow sometimes you need to rest.

I feel too guilty to spend the day in bed even when I had some recent quite serious physical illnesses, although I did give in a bit when I had COVID.

Fortunately I had my dogs to keep me motivated as they need to be fed and taken for a walk, even if it’s a short one.

 I find what people call self care quite difficult and think I just have to keep going on, even though I know resting would sometimes be better.

 I have dealt with my MH issues by working and studying a lot so I suppose I’ve conditioned myself to keep on putting one foot in front of the other, so I didn’t have to think about things, that it turns out we’re probably best dealt with decades ago 

Re: My special place

My head needed a day in bed @Bow The prn have helped. Have gotten up to cook tea (well really re heat it) but will head back there soon.

Tomorrow sounds like a good resting day. We can do it together!


.That was good that you could tell her about London. Hopefully she can visit some places you recommended.  

@Till23 I have two teenage kids so they will practically eat anything, especially my son.

What sort of dog do you have?


Thats a great achievement to have a goal of being more social and accomplishing it. You should be really proud of yourself. I understand how anxiety provoking it can be, especially if they are new people.

Volunteering sounds really good too.

Re: My special place

Yeah I do lots of arts and crafts @Till23 


ive been attending markets for years, helping my mum with her small business- she sews. Last year I stole one of my mums tables to sell some of my art. 

this is mostly what I do- pebble artwork. But I recently did a book sculpture just to see how it turns out. 




art helps my mh. Keeps my hands busy. 

im also currently fostering 3 little kittens. They are currently running around crazy in my room 🐈 🐈 🐈

Re: My special place

@Snowie I had a Jack Russell girl who passed away in 2023 when I had COVID and just before my second cancer diagnosis. She was 14 she had survived 2 red-belly black snake bites and had Cushing’s disease and heart failure at the end.

My boy is a Jack Russel Fox Terrier cross (according to RSPCA when I rescued him at 7 months old) he is now 16 and a half and deaf, fairly blind and also has Cushing’s disease and heart failure. He is my profile picture.


 I had to make myself be more social or I was going to wither away. It’s not naturally me so I find it difficult but it distracts me I enjoy some of the more one on one interactions with people. Meeting new people is hard though especially in groups.

 I will be doing a short stint of my sport early tomorrow morning but then I’ll be resting for sure tomorrow afternoon.



Re: My special place

Wow @Bow they are great I especially like the pebble pictures in frames and that Book sculpture is truly amazing. Is the book all made of paper. Your drawing is excellent.

When you say stole I’m taking you mean long term loan by mutual agreement with your mum🤣

Yes I find doing things therapeutic if it’s exercise, gardening, fixing things, and previously crossstitch and photographing. It’s great when you can get into that flow state, when all your focus is on that singular thing and all your worries fade away