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Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah true @Jynx  and yes interruption to routine for sure. 

don’t really have anything planned. Not sure when we will go back to markets. I might be picking up a litter of 5 week old kittens in a few days to foster until they are ready for desexing. Told the lady that I’m not allowed to adopt any though. They came into the shelter today so they will stay for a few days to make sure all is ok. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Yes yes a thousand times yes @Eve7!!! Beach month! Beach month! Beach month! hehehe


@Bow oh. my. STARS!!! REALLY? Cuuuuute!! How many kitties? You fostered before? Pls send pics if you do end up looking after em, so we can all implode from the cute!!

Re: My Mosaic

Oh my gosh @Bow! I've always wanted to foster kittens but my partner knows me too well and knows I wouldn't be able to resist adopting one...or all of them. Plus it would probably stress one of my cats out. If you do foster them I'll be hoping for lots of photos!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Jynx @Ru-bee  I have fostered before 



 this is Mr Groot. He is my foster fail. Fell in love and couldn’t let him go. He is the most sweetest little boy. 

im just waiting to hear back from the animal welfare league as to how this litter of 4 kittens are doing. I told the lady that she is not allowed to let me adopt any though!! Hopefully Mr Groot will be ok with some little kitties around to play with. 

Re: My Mosaic

Hi @Bow 

Very cute pic!!


Just coming past hoping your appointment with the pdoc went ok.

Sending lots of 💌💌

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Pdoc appointment went ok thanks @Snowie  was super anxious cause I had no idea if I would be seeing my usual pdoc or not. (When I made my next appointment at the end the lady at reception said she was making an hour long appointment cause she wasn’t sure if the pdoc I seen today would still be here?? Like what the? Guess I got 6 weeks to prepare for the fact I might have a new pdoc 😩)

Anyways she upped my nightmare meds. And again reminded me about needing to keep my fluids up and my intake.

Then I went over to my arts and craft group. Everyone was happy to see me… cause they had no idea what they were doing and didn’t want to keep doing colouring in 😩 I was even asked by the worker on today if I was going to make any programs for group?! Umm no that is not my responsibility. I am not employed to run arts and craft group. If I come across an activity that I think would be suitable I’d be ok to co facilitate a group or where able to I’m ok to help. But I ain’t running group every week. That is not my job. Sigh 


My old SW was suppose to be in the office this afternoon but she got held up. I was looking forward to seeing her. 

D’s fever was back up again this morning. 

And I’m just feeling really crummy today 


how’s your day been)

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow EEEEE what a precious baby angel!! 


OMGOMG I hope there's kittens!! 


How's your Wednesday going so far? And yours @Snowie?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hope to find out in the comings days @Jynx  if I get these kittens to foster. 

just did a lil post above/below about my day

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow day full of unexpected irks, oof. 


Aww your art class obvs love you as a teacher!! But yeah, it's no fun having these expectations placed on you all of a sudden! Especially when you're not getting paid for your labour! Would you do the teaching again? Ask for a wage!! Ahaha


Ugh, doozy of a day! What are you up to this evening?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Jynx They started heaping the arts and craft group expectations on me as soon as I lost my old SW- who was running the group and doing different activities all the time. When she left and moved into a manager role someone else took over running the group, who has done that before and literally did colouring in every week. So boring. Too busy/lazy to plan anything. Probably thought sweet Bow has been running some groups, I’ll ‘run’ it again and not have to do anything. Both this person and my new SW were making comments straight away that I would be running group every week. Was hoping that my time away would change things but obviously not. Will see what happens in coming weeks I guess. 
they don’t even have a budget for the group, let alone for a person to run it! 
I’ll help occasionally but that’s it. 

nothing much this arvo/evening. It’s hot. So laying on the bed with the AC on. 

finding I’m experiencing a lot of flashbacks at the moment. It’s hard to stay present and here