4 hours ago
Yeah unfortunately @tyme (not sure you’ll get this as you aren’t usually around until Wednesday and it will probably get lost in your hundreds of notifications!) mowing is my responsibility. I could pay for someone to come do it but don’t wanna do that either $$
A poop collector. Thinking that would probably only really work with a very flat empty yard?
I don’t know about tassie. I love Sydney for all the opportunities. I love tassie for the cooler weather!
4 hours ago
Mum left heaps early this morning. Now it’s just D and I got 3 weeks.
Did the groceries this morning, picked up my meds and dropped a form off at the hospital.
Used the treadmill and been doing some craft most of the afternoon. My SW was suppose to do a home visit today at 12pm. I called her at 2pm when she hadn’t showed. Her phone just rang out. I was expecting it to just go straight to voicemail meaning she was most likely off sick. But it didn’t. Hmmm couple of minutes later I get a call…. Number came up but didn’t recognize it eventually decided to answer… it was another SW. ‘something happened’ they said and my sw couldn’t do a home visit. I was offered a home visit by someone else I said I’d be ok. My sw will call tomorrow. Hmm weird.
my shoulder is heaps sore today. I should make a gp appointment but i really don’t wanna.
3 hours ago
just wanted to pop in and say hiiii @Bow
mum's off to tassie right? do you have much planned for today?
ohh that sucks about the SW, hopefully their okay!
eek sore shoulders aren't fun, do you have one of those home-massage things? or even some vicks/ointment to rub in?
3 hours ago
Yep on her way to tassie now @rav3n
not much planned for the rest of the day. Some tv. Some kitty time. And bed.
yeah hopefully my SW is ok. Brain working overtime with all the possibilities of what happened!
I’ve got some creams I could try. And maybe some painkillers. Need to see my gp pretty sure I’ve done some damage. Urgh
how are you?
2 hours ago
ohh is she visiting family? or is this just a holiday? @Bow
tv and kitty time sounds good. how's survivor going? and how are all the kitties?
i hear ya, my brain always loves to go detective-mode when that sort of thing happens. i always guess something wild but most times they just end up being sick.
oh nooo, that sounds rough! hopefully watching tv helps relax your shoulders a lil. when are you supposed to see your SW next? perhaps you can make the call with her so it's a lil less intimidating.
i'm doing better, surviving the heat. went to a few car dealerships to check out a couple cars and forgot how expensive they were, even the used ones. wish 50k just landed on my lap.
an hour ago
My older brother is in tassie @rav3n she is going down there to spend some time with him. 3 weeks!
I got 2 different survivors going at the moment. The aus one and also season 48 of the us one. Kittens are doing well. Getting so big and getting into so much mischief!
I’m due to see my SW tomorrow for a cuppa at a cafe. Her way of trying to get me out of the house more. Not sure how that will go though.
ah car shopping! That was me last year. So stressful! We had my Mazda 3 and my step dad’s big jeep. Sold both to get a smaller suv. Cars are certainly not cheap and dealers rip you off! What kinda car you after?
34m ago
@Bow woah 3 weeks! is that the longest she's been away for? how are you feeling about it?
love the multitasking with the 2 diff survivors! which season's better at the moment, the aus one or US? aww glad to hear they're doing well!! hope groot's enjoying the mischief.
cuppa sounds nice, hopefully you both have a lovely time tomorrow! fingers crossed the weather's not too hot so you can enjoy the sun too.
i was looking into a Mazda CX-3 or the hybrid toyota corolla. the people at toyota weren't even there which was odd considering the store lights were on... mazda had some good ones too but later found out that their cheapest model in the CX-3 range got discontinued this year. do you have any idea what car brands/models are good ones? was the Mazda 3 you had good?
8m ago
Yeah it’s the longest she has been @rav3n normally only 2 weeks. I like the time to ourselves while she is gone. But I’ve been in a really dark place the last couple of months and really struggling. So I am anxious. My head has all these plans.
I like them both for different reasons. The aus players are pretty good. Good game players. But the US are the og. And it’s pretty brutal.
Groot often sits and watches them go crazy and looks up at me like really? He sometimes wants to play and they will approach him to play, but just gotta watch him cause he is so much bigger.
I loved my Mazda. I bought her brand new and had her for 12yrs and no issues. I wanted to look at Mazda SUV’s but they were out of our budget. I didn’t want a really big suv just big enough to fit our market stuff in. So we ended up with a 2yr old Mitsubishi asx and I love it. Mitsubishi have really good warranty. Mazda are really good too.
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