08-03-2025 07:45 PM
08-03-2025 07:45 PM
@Bow you're totally one of the fam hun, you 100% belong here. I know your brain may not believe me but you are!
I have sooooo many oodles of care for ya! Wish I could prove it somehow.... hmmm.... Well since I can't rock up to your house with a boom box above my head, you could picture me doing that? And it's playing your fav music, and you run outside, and we hug and then we have a boogie and collapse into laughter!! Aww wouldn't that be the best?
08-03-2025 07:55 PM
08-03-2025 07:55 PM
That would be very cool @Jynx big 90s boom box
nice soft grass no bindis that be nice laying on the grass watching clouds
08-03-2025 08:29 PM
08-03-2025 08:29 PM
@Bow yesssss and there's wildflowers so we can smell their soft sweetness on the air.
A picnic! I'd love a picnic.... with delicious noms! Liiiike little tea cakes and strawberries and cream and a thermos full of hot tea 😌
08-03-2025 08:42 PM
08-03-2025 08:42 PM
That does sound nice @Jynx i like wildflowers
they are so pretty
Mmm picnics are fun
I thirsty too
throat real dry tonite
not allowed any thing though
08-03-2025 08:55 PM
08-03-2025 08:55 PM
Do you have a favourite flower @Bow? Mine is jasmine for scent, and orchids for the pretty 😊
What if the prompt came from an external source?
08-03-2025 09:04 PM
08-03-2025 09:04 PM
I think them are all my pretty @Jynx but I got a queen of the night
Them extra pretty
Nope no drinks now
don’t deserve some no
but I so thirsty
but no
urgh no stop
shut up
08-03-2025 09:16 PM
08-03-2025 09:16 PM
@Bow this is one of those times I wish I could upload audio.... I'd be singing atcha. Something soothing.
Queen of the night - had to look it up and GORGEOUS!! You have one? So coooooool!
Voices are being loud to you I know. If you can, maybe try to say out loud to yourself, 'I am not the voice in my head, and the voice doesn't hold all my power. I don't have to listen.' or something?
Or, read aloud to yourself this!!
"I'm not as alone as I feel - Jynx is with me. I'm safer than my body feels. No feeling lasts forever, and this will pass."
08-03-2025 09:29 PM
08-03-2025 09:29 PM
Gotta breath
gotta remember to breath in and out
not holding @Jynx
yeah them voices are very loud
dont like them tonight
your words are nice
and I can trust your words right
breathing in and out jynx is with me I’m gonna be ok even though my body feels yucky I’m safe oh I wanna believe that I can be safe and not scared
08-03-2025 09:50 PM
08-03-2025 09:50 PM
@Bow here for another 10 hun, just so you're aware ✌️
You can trust my words! I have literally never lied on here... I just thought about it then and yeah, the forums are getting 100% bona fide organic Jynx every time 😋
You are safe!! You are safe, it's March 2025, long time past the bad memories, you are home where no one can reach you, and you have people who love you (no matter what your brain tells you otherwise!!). You will be okay!! Cos I got alllll my faith in you. Always have.
"I am safe. I will be okay. Remember my breath. Count the things I can see and hear. Pat my spiky mat. Breathe. This will pass, it is inevitable."
08-03-2025 09:55 PM
08-03-2025 09:55 PM
Gonna lay here read them words til I get sleepy
hugging my sloth
wrapped in my blanky
One hug before you go @Jynx ?
thank you
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