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Re: My Mosaic

i was never a fan of swimming carnival either, but that's really nice that they've got other activities for D to participate in! i reckon swimming carnivals should have more water games rather than making it all a competition @Bow 


that must be so rewarding to see and be involved in groot's growth. he's sooo lucky to have you!


oh woah that's so cool!! what are the chances of finding 7!? that's a lot right? i'm not too sure how common or uncommon alice in wonderland books are. are you a big reader? ooo some fluffy teddy bears!! hope the kitties are enjoy them

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Oh I hated swimming carnival when I was in school @rav3n  i wasn’t a strong swimmer either and it was compulsory to attend. 

Yeah I was pretty surprised at finding 7 of them. It’s not really a common title. But there are hundreds of different versions of it. I have 58 in total now. I have a few really old versions and I bought 15 back from our overseas holiday. I sat and made a list of all the ones I have so I don’t get doubles. Came across an Alice through the looking glass book shop in london. So many books and very very old…. And expensive! 

Not a big reader. Wish I was. Are you?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

yep had the same compulsory attendance rule in my school too ugh!! i was just glad that my friends weren't strong swimmers too, complaining about it together helped hehe @Bow 


58!? that's amazing! what made you start collecting Alice in Wonderland specifically? do you collect other books too? love checking out bookstores, there's such a cosy peaceful vibe about it!


i wish i was too. back in primary school i was, and then i went through a short book phase in uni. my new year's resolution was to read more... so we'll see if i can finish some this time!!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I much preferred athletics carnival and cross country @rav3n 



nah just these books. There are some really nice ones. I love book shops too. Could browse them for hours. D and I recently went into Sydney and went to the big dymocks book store. 4 stores. And then we also found a couple of other book shops that were pretty big too. Thankfully D loves to read and is happy to browse…. But not for long. 

I have a book I’d like to read. And often think about reading it instead on sitting and scrolling and watching tv. But I always end up doing the later

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow i enjoy athletics carnival too! can't say the same about cross country hahah running is not my thing. are you runner?


OH!! that makes so much sense!! - also i'm just going to edit that part out incase other people catch on 😆


ooo the sydney one sounds so nice, i need to check it out next time i visit. i've seen images of massive bookstores in europe... i wanna find them and just spend a whole day exploring those ones! haha the short attention span for reading is so real. i think that's why i prefer audiobooks (but even then i zone out). 


what books is it?? 


also i'll be heading off soon for tonight, please don't hesitate to reach out to the community or crisis services for support. take care 💜

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I was a bit of a runner in high school @rav3n  thats why I loved cross country. Our cross country track went out in the bush, which was fun. I often made it to state cross country. Athletics I love field events and always placed 1st in a lot of them. 

Hehe thanks I collect alot of other stuff too. 😉


We checked out a fair few book shops in london and Paris. I got a couple of French Alice books too. 
lifeline have a massive second hand book fair coming up local to us. Gonna go check that out this year. 

yeah I zone out quick. Have to re-read paragraphs over and over and then I give up! I did read a book hmm maybe last year called ‘the girl who fell from the sky’. Really enjoyed that and it was easy to read. (Biography of a girl who sky dived and there was a terrible accident and she becomes a paraplegic. But has relearn to walk and do all sorts of amazing things). I’ve also read Grace Tames book which I really enjoyed. 


the book I have is called the power of two. It’s the journey of 2 aus women through surrogacy. I’ve met one of the women. 

what kind of books do you like?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Hiya @Bow sorry for disappearing yesterday, had a doozy of a day Sunday and apparently my system needed more time to settle!! Had a big cry last night, clearly hadn't gotten everything out on Sunday! Feeling much better today though, but not enjoying this heat. Blech. 


How you going?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Was worried when you disappeared suddenly last night @Jynx  sorry ya had a rough one but glad ya feeling better today 


having a rough one meself 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow ach, sucks don't it!! Blech. Hot for you today as well? Hope you don't have anywhere you gotta be!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yep hot here today too @Jynx  in bed with the ac on