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Something’s not right

Morning has broken

Re: Morning has broken

Glad you saw your pdoc this morning @Eve7 

Hopefully that helped.


Thats good to hear that your mum is stable. Hoping she stays that way and you don't have to get an earlier flight.

Certainly is a very busy time for you hon. Please remember to look after you too.


Day's been very low key. Think I will be in bed early tonight. Got my car back from the mechanics which was good. 

Re: Morning has broken

Hi dear @Eve7 

Hoping today has gone ok for you hon.

Sending lots of 💕💕 and hugs


Re: Morning has broken

I went to see the accountant today @Snowie so it was good to have a non medical appointment!


How was your day?

Re: Morning has broken

It is nice to have non medical appointments @Eve7 

I hope it all went well.


My day was ok. Lots of washing. Was a hot sunny day here so did all the sheets and towels. Least the dried quickly.


Any plans for tomorrow?


Re: Morning has broken

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the pre admission clinic prior to my surgery next week @Snowie 


Do you have anything on tomorrow?

Re: Morning has broken

I hope that appointment goes well @Eve7 and it's just straight forward. One step closer hon.


Got pdoc tomorrow but just a phone appointment. Better than nothing I guess. 

Re: Morning has broken

Hey dear @Eve7 

Just coming past to see how the appointment went.

Hoping you got some sleep and today looks good.


Re: Morning has broken

All went well thanks @Snowie They just went over my meds and I had an ECG. I told them the only think that might change would be with my mother and that was ok with them.


How are you today?


Re: Morning has broken

Glad it all went well @Eve7 Hopefully you are able to keep the op on the preferred day.


I'm ok. Spoke to pdoc this morning, got some things out.

Re: Morning has broken

I’m glad you were able to speak to your pdoc @Snowie 


It’s very hot here today and I’m trying to do some uni work in the a/c but I’m still hot 🥵 


Tomorrow I’m taking gd2 to a live theatre production of the 78 story tree house which is right in the cbd and of course there are no trains due to track work. I did a practice run on Sunday to locate the nearest parking station as it’s ages since I’ve driven right into the city.

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