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Health and work anxiety - struggling to cope

I wonder if anyone else feels or has experienced the same thing and if there is anything useful or helpful I could do.


I just started a new job and have felt even worse about myself since starting it. I'm in a training group and feel like I'm on the outside. I'm not making friends or popular like other people, and I feel like I’m terrible at the job, and they regret hiring me. I'm really struggling with it. 


On top of this, I have several health fears that are scaring the hell out of me, which may be why I’m doing so poorly in my job as I’m focused on worrying about that - and, of course, fearing the worst that my health issues will be terrible, and I’ll lose my job anyway. 


I hope this makes sense. Just wanted to share how hopeless I’m feeling. I can't even relax after work as I worry about how poorly I did at work or focus on my possible health emergencies.

It’s taken all the joy out of life (not that I had much to begin with) and have lost all confidence in myself and fearing a horrible future. 




Re: Health and work anxiety - struggling to cope

Hey @hopesearcher ,


Your anxieties are so real. We hear how hard it is for your right now. I have heard numerous members share something similar when it comes to a new job. Please know that this not uncommon when it comes to mental health and work.


I read that declining mental health is a factor.


Does your job/HR know anything about your health and how it may affect you? (No pressure if they don’t)


We are here if you need a chat.


Please know you are not alone. We hear you.

Re: Health and work anxiety - struggling to cope

Thanks so much for your reply. 

I feel like only being three weeks into the new job I can't really share my health issues with them as I’m so new. 

And also because I’m doing so poorly at the job I feel it will give them even more reason to simply fire me. 

it’s such a pest as when I don't have anxiety I feel I can take anything on and present myself as a really good person/employee, but when I’m like this I just freeze, lose all confidence, and even want to avoid people. 

I may bring up that I feel like I’m struggling with this job, however, as they seem supportive, and may help me out. 

But I just thought I’d be a star at this job, yet I’m being a total flop and nobody seems to like me socially either which is making it harder.

Plus feeling like I have cancer or something is making me even more scared. 

Re: Health and work anxiety - struggling to cope

Hi @hopesearcher  . Its normal to feel like that during your first job. but don't loose hope and always keep positive think in mind. sometimes a simple action can change whole thing upside down. May be you are the one they will hire. so don't loose hope. Try to  make friends.. If there are no one Just focus on work. you will win one day.