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Feeling Rotten

I was mistreated at a psychiatric facility in early Nov and then was discharged too early. Now I'm heading backwards fast despite my therapy. Feeling tired but not much sleep. Yeah I'm safe etc. just fed up and mistrustful. It sucks so much 😔


Re: Feeling Rotten

That's tough @ButterflyWings .


I'm sorry to hear you were mistreated. Have you provided feedback to the service?


What do you think will be helpful for you at this moment?

Re: Feeling Rotten

Hey @ButterflyWings ,


How are you going today?

Re: Feeling Rotten

@tyme Pretty flat still but at least some supports are trying to help. Looking after a young magpie currently so that's a good distraction.

Re: Feeling Rotten

Awwww @ButterflyWings 


Reminds me of the book/movie, Penguin Bloom. A paraplegic who, through a magpie, found recovery.


Look after yourself.

Re: Feeling Rotten

@tyme Mr M.J. (Maggie Junior) has just waddled off with Mumma and is looking muuuuch better with fresh water and bugs 💜 The whole family just came and said thank you...nawwwww... Goes to show I'm the world to our maggies! Just the lift I needed. I will get there...sigh...just not sure exactly how right now. 

Re: Feeling Rotten

Awwww @ButterflyWings 


That's amazing! Did you get photos?


They won't forget you. Have you read into how intelligent maggies are??? They are creepily intelligent.


I'm sitting with you @ButterflyWings . Your wings may be a little fragile, but I'll be right by your side.

Re: Feeling Rotten

@tyme I didn't get photos unfortunately but I deffo have friends for life.   It reminds me of Penguin too! I will need a birdbath or two methinks. They are such intelligent and emotional creatures, bless them! 

Re: Feeling Rotten

Aw, what a shame you didn't get photos. @ButterflyWings 


How long did you have 'Penguin' for?

Re: Feeling Rotten

@tyme Just a few hours this arvo and evening, so happy all is okay now.