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Sunday chat here at 7pm


Happy Sunday!

Like everyone I am missing our weekly Sunday chats and hoping SANE can find a new platform soon. 

In the mean time…


Tonight let’s chat here! From 7pm until whenever we feel like it. 

I’ll start so you have a prompt if you’re not sure where to start… 


When was the last time you were completely mindful? (Apart from sleeping - is that mindful?) 


And then we just see where the convo goes! 

I’ll have my coffee machine running, and will be setting up my decks ready to DJ (see AI generated photo) if I’m late feel free to kick off without me. 


Re: Sunday chat here at 7pm

  • Hi @ArraDreaming and it was a day very good for out side so many lawn mowers and blower vacs and whippersnips like uap's in new jersey! I was made minefilled by this plus also smelling the good smell of cutting my own lawn 😊

Re: Sunday chat here at 7pm

Hello @Macey good to see you
Who else is coming along?

@Glisten @Oaktree @tyme @Shaz51

Re: Sunday chat here at 7pm

My mindful activity was spending time at the beach today

Re: Sunday chat here at 7pm

@ArraDreaming great initiative with the Sunday Chat 💬 is @tyme @Shaz51 @Jynx going to hangout for a bit?

@Macey I also enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass.

@ArraDreaming I like the smell of the ocean 🌊 

and horse manure smells like earth.

I started fermenting instead of composting @Former-Member It way too windy 🌬️ where I am to make good compost.



Re: Sunday chat here at 7pm

I’m not sure @Glisten it sure is a lot quieter than I anticipated hey

Re: Sunday chat here at 7pm

The whole 🙌🏼 of Forumland is very quiet. You could hear a pin drop.

Maybe they are all doing Festivus things?


Re: Sunday chat here at 7pm

Not sure but I have work tomorrow so no party for me had one last night @Glisten

Re: Sunday chat here at 7pm

Nice @ArraDreaming did you enjoy yourself?

Re: Sunday chat here at 7pm

Yeah a few more drinks than I was anticipating
And my mode of transport home GOT STOLEN @Glisten