04-02-2023 01:05 PM
04-02-2023 01:05 PM
Hello @Historylover yes I've been away from my computer just getting my life in order. Sometimes you just need a bit of a break from things! Life for me is good. We do have a full moon building - have been saying that with TAB so may be a bit of turbulence about. I think I may just be pampering myself tomorrow to find some solid ground.
I got out some amethyst crystal which is really stabilising for chaotic full moons. I've noticed when other people are losing it amethyst gives me composure. From a crystal book I have it says the metaphysical properties of amethyst provide the type of perfect peace which was present prior to birth. So they are great for powerful full moons
04-02-2023 01:09 PM
04-02-2023 01:09 PM
You're welcome @Historylover bit sick of it here. Been relentless last few weeks . Used to live in SA if had 2 hot days in a row its like the sky is falling but here 10 days over 35? Myeh just normal. Be national emergency in SA lol
04-02-2023 01:10 PM
04-02-2023 01:10 PM
Hmm well hope Mr Shaz has a good day and I hope you do too @Shaz51 Enjoy
04-02-2023 01:24 PM
04-02-2023 01:24 PM
This has taken him by surprise @TAB , he was expecting no one to turn up to see him
04-02-2023 01:31 PM
04-02-2023 01:31 PM
Ohh .. well hope thats a good surprise then @Shaz51 lol
04-02-2023 01:32 PM
04-02-2023 01:32 PM
The good thing is you will be ok @TAB. The Cadaceus Cup sounds interesting re: Army. It brings to mind friends I used to know in Ocean Grove, a tiny town south of Geelong. Its a bit of a holiday spot - we used to have horse racing on the beach (!) for the New Years Day Cup. Everyone outfitted in bathers with towels and beach umbrellas walking around to try and find a bookie. Anyway it was banned due to occupational safety or something.
04-02-2023 01:42 PM
04-02-2023 01:42 PM
04-02-2023 01:44 PM
04-02-2023 01:44 PM
Sounds very olde Australia I guess @Former-Member bit like racing motorbikes on beach lol
Like at Sellicks Beach in South Australia
04-02-2023 02:12 PM
04-02-2023 02:12 PM
Sounds like fun @TAB. The horse race was pretty cool. I've never heard of motorcycles by the sea. Would have been a riot I would imagine lol
04-02-2023 02:19 PM
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