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Re: Night Shift


Re: Night Shift

Hey @plasmo  got a bit carried away w football here. Crashed early

Re: Night Shift

yeah wanted freo to win

Re: Night Shift

some ancient inspector morse thing on 7two, found all the eps on youtube.

Re: Night Shift

well that didnt happen re Freo. Port got 5/5 from hard draw into finals ha


I ended up getting a chromecast, brother talked me into it, not tried yet. apparently not making anymore , my combo of cheap ph and right make and age of tv, but too cheap a model meant could not mirror phone onto tv ie for free SANFL. he 's a bit techy, said he got chromecasts, only way to do it short of getting new tv , which was leaning towards, but cannot justify atm lol 

Re: Night Shift

yeah i got the first model, with $10 off back when they were $40. sat around for ages cos i had to set it up on windows and i had nothing running it.<br><br>they're good for streaming longer stuff, but can be a bit of mucking around. i usually use web videio caster or castify with it

Re: Night Shift

yeah I dont know enough about them @plasmo  if works I'll be happy.

can still get for $44 fromofficeworks I got shafted on postage, cheapest i could get was $60 , brother has like 2 as has so many screens in house he said buy while still can, new ones like $200 think

Re: Night Shift

ah yeah there;s a few diff ones now. defo got the value out of mine though

Re: Night Shift

cant get much for $40 these days @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

yeah use mine a few times a week