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Re: Everything Birds

๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ‘ really good @Adge So love your birds ๐Ÿค— ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’™

Re: Everything Birds

Hey @Adge happy for you that you have the male Peachfaced Lovebird. Hopefully the two will be happier as a pair. Hello @Shaz51 @Former-Member 

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Re: Everything Birds




Good Morning feather lovers ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™

Re: Everything Birds

I just Drove 40Km (20Km each way) - Just to buy a Budgie (1).

There's a Shortage of Budgies (they said).

Due to Covid (they tell me) - There's been a Shortage of virtually Every Finch Species I keep, for over 18 months.....

So we're now charging $45 for a Budgie - that's the Cheapest Budgie, the Show Budgies cost $60 each....

She's Green - I only had Male Budgies left, they're all Blue...

Light green spangle budgie | Budgies, Pet birds, ParakeetBefore this "Shortage" Budgies cost $25 each.....

Re: Everything Birds

@Adge  we had blue and green budgies years ago Heart

@frog. @Former-Member , @Mazarita@greenpea 

Re: Everything Birds

@Shaz51 @Adge  Son2 says budgies are adorable!

Re: Everything Birds

Hi @Shaz51 

Hi @greenpea 

My Budgies were all Blue, I bred them myself (or they bred themselves).

I only had Blue Male Budgies left (no females).

So when I could finally find one - I bought a Green female Budgie.

Yes they are Adorable...

They Chatter constantly - they even talk (chatter) to themselves, when there is no other Budgie listening (there)....

Re: Everything Birds

I love budgies too @Adge @Shaz51 @greenpea Seeing that picture makes me want to get a feathered friend. I kept quite a few birds in an aviary as a kid - budgies, quail and finches.

Re: Everything Birds

I Got me some Goldfinches, today.

They've been very hard to get, over the past 18 months (directly due to Covid).

Mostly they've been not available at all.

All the Bird prices have Soared (some Doubled in $$ Price) - Even the most Common Bird Species.

There has been Profiteering Going on, Across the Board - With many Retail Prices (especially Electronics) Doubling.

So this May (or may not) be the Case with Bird Prices (as well).

British Wildlife Photography: Goldfinch

Re: Everything Birds

Looking forward to seeing some more pictures @Adge 


We have many birds from the park and in our old gum tree..

some not wanted as in corellas and white cockatoos that cause so much destruction..


Many many years ago I had a sulphur crested cockatoo as a pet when my boys were young..

He used to shout there names to come in copying my mum when she baby sat..

He also used to say kiss kiss kiss which I said to him as he came on my arm..


We have kookaburras, magpies, colourful parakeets, honey eaters, robins, will wagtails

and a grumpy cat who is allowed outside when we are as he is told off if he goes anywhere near them..

They taunt him as well..

