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Re: Thank you for your comment Karma. I think it is a very ha...


I always think that Freud's observations are best remembered as that he was the Father of Psychoanalysis, A title that he would like. He had this group of friends who would meet at his house and I think he wrote to some other people as well. As soon as someone, in this group would say...but Sigmund....that doesn't ring true....he'de cut em out......Freud's teachings are seen as paternalistic,.....not loving and caring....(maternal)

but as long as the other Doctors/ intellectuals completely agree with what Freud was saying and writing, they were kept in the group. .......

.One book called, Civilization and it's Discontents,' writEs about about how an individual has these drives inside themselves, these urges called,
' The Death Drive,'
'The sex drive.'

then he writes that the individual has all this neurosis stuff mixing around. the meaning of being neurotic means ....
( I as a person knows it's my fault. Yes it is. )
Very deep stuff.

So, we run around with The sex drive in us....that urge to make more children, be creative.....produce life...
the death drive. ( you repeat trauma that has been happening in your life)
And being neurotic.

Freud is seen as paternalistic and not of our life now. in the 1920s (I thin....) his very limited teachings of infants were proved wrong by a psychotherist called Melanie Klein who tested and tested infants that 'proved,' him wrong...

.I'm just grabbing my book called Object Relations by Lavinia's been read so much, it's all in little bits and pieces but I digress.......

As far as I remember... Freud focused on a person at the beginning of life ..that little individual baby Needed relationships. He writes the internal make up of the little individual baby having
a superego ( what makes me bad. I have swallowed this bad feeling about me from Mum and Dad which I will have for the rest of my life and then when older..... helps develop the death drive)
a consciousness
An unconsciousness
Which develops into the baby/ toddler turning older.... And developing.....
Oedipal complex.

Melanie Klein, after studying hundreds of babies, including her own,,,,,, writes that what Freud writes is out of sync of what really happens. She was more emotional and wrote that every infant is their own individual selves. these little individuals are not Living from these silly basic program's but their own world all from stemming from themselves.
then, when Melanie Klien published her findings, some Psychotherapists joined her and left Freud.
So, during/after the Second World two Psychotherapy Schools were formed called the Freudian School and the klienian school in England.

this isn't anything about Jung.

If I'm wrong, please correct. I've thrown all my notes away a few years ago. Ille write about Jung this afternoon.

Back to the book 'Civilization and it's Discontents.... a little smile when thinking this little memory of mine...... University students read ,' 'Civilization and it's Discontents,' They then usually yell out quotes to each other from whenever they are walking down the street or at the supermarket so they can sound clever.

Re: Books that have changed our lives

that's fab. Thank you for sharing ...
the Charlie Chaplin, Jubilee

Re: Books that have changed our lives

I so want to read this one....
'Nothing, by Paul Morley.

Re: Writing about happiness . . . reminds me about Kay Jamiso...


I have read many self help books but the most helpful one for me to have more insight into my family members Mental Illness is called " Loving someone with Borderline personality disorder. Author : shari y. manning Phd.

Another good book is Geht me out og here  : Author: Rachel Reiland. About her own recovery from borderline personality disprder. There is also loads of information online . knowledge is power. we have to understand what we are dealing with regards Mental Illnesses. Books on Mindfulness are very help practice for everyday lifea.

Hope these can be of help to BPD familes out there.

Warm Regards.

Re: Writing about happiness . . . reminds me about Kay Jamiso...

I just wish I could concentrate enough and long enough to read the index.