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Re: Best Friends Club

Break @Spirit_Healer ? Hope you are okay. You sound exhausted.

Re: Best Friends Club

@tyme It's been from a combination of busyness at work and sleep difficulties. I've still been getting medication side effects so my dose has been reduced again. Since the previous reduction I've had to retrain myself to fall asleep without as much sedation. Not much difference in this aspect this time. But on Wednesday night I had a vivid dream that I was becoming psychotic, it was really scary! I took sick leave yesterday because I needed the day to rest. I'm hoping the vivid dream was a once off, otherwise I might need to increase the medication back again. 

Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELI Oh my gosh Murdermittens yeah I’ve heard about him. His big on the Westside.

Is he so cute, that you just want to squeeze his fluffy face until his he goes POP?

That list of your physical ouches is enough to make you sad and stressed.

Have you got salary or wage or personal insurance with your superannuation?

I have the sorest glutes at the end of the day. But I’m never sore when I wake up.

Oh my stars the mosquitos 🦟 out here‼️ Too late mofos I already had RRV.

Why do you love horses so much?

I want to love them, and be with the cool horsey crew and win something like an endurance horse race. Just to spite my ex.

But I look at them and think you’re a herbivore that needs way too much time and attention.

You did 2 years at WAAPA‼️ The all singing 🎤 all dancing 💃🏼 Retiisi 👏🏼

Do you play a musical instrument?

Have we had this conversation before?

What are you doing on the weekend?