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Re: Best Friends Club

Ha ha sherpard pie 🥧 @Jynx , @Meowmy 

Totally delicious according to Mr shaz 😊

Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELI they should have given you a hint “wear comfortable shoes” or “wear steel caps”.

Think I went into a small coma last night.

I should have tapped out today. But no couldn’t leave things alone. My left knee is ouchy. But hot water bottle is doing the trick.

I don’t know how these stupid moths are getting inside⁉️

The things are huge 🙌🏼 Had 6 of them in here 3 nights ago


Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten now that's one hootin' big moth! I found one in my bedroom last night, took the sucker outside so Mal cat wouldn't try and attack it. I think he's getting over chasing things though and prefers to sleep and complain that I don't feed him often enough.

I was advised to wear covered in shoes and have worked in retail previously but I'd worn my boots to my previous work and knew they were comfortable. Unless you're on your feet all day. Which I wasn't in boots before. I have a couple of pairs of Skechers that I will rotate if I can find the other pair. Shoes have a habit of hiding in my house. I think a gremlin comes along while I am sleeping and hides them or puts them in unlikely places. Mind you I did manage to find a pair of New Balance sneakers I bought back in 2003 that are still in good nick. They travelled all over North America and were my second most comfortable shoes. Back in the day when shoes were made with leather. Sorry to the vegans/vegetarians but leather really is better for my foosties.


Toof extraction site is still painful, I am hoping to get some pain meds from the chemist tomorrow (those ones with the name forte at the end) while I am out and about. I feel like taking a spike and jamming it into the empty socket site! My dentist returns next week and I am crossing my fingers the "specialist treatment" that I probably need will be free of charge. Otherwise I will be living with the pain. I don't even know if I'll have the money to pay for the regular appointment as it is so that has been stressing me out.

I have a justify my existence to Centrelink appointment tomorrow which I am sooooo looking forward to. Not! I have to say that the staff at my service provider are pretty good though, not like the ball busters I used to deal with when I worked in the job services industry. 

Am I ready for full time work? I don't think so. I think my mental state has deteriorated to a degree and I am in need of more help than what I am currently receiving. This is mostly on me as I haven't had the motivation to do anything about my lack of motivation! 


How are you going? At least you had a good sleep last night, that is always beneficial.

Sorry to hear your knee is ouchy. Are you able to use voltaren gel? I use it for the ganglion on my little finger (it's too small to be removed sadly and I sure as heck ain't doing the old fashioned thing and slamming the ganglion with a large Bible!)


Are you still having moth issues? They are obviously drawn to your light and sparkle 🎇

And I don't blame them.

Has the weather been good for you in the 'brook?

Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELI I’ll respond tomorrow. Can’t do it now. Too tired 😴 G